Figure 3.
Specific recognition of inhibitors within FTO. (A) Meclofenamic acid (MA) binds to the deep pocket on the surface of FTO (PDB ID: 4QKN) (represented by gray semitransparent surface); MA represented by yellow residue binds to both H2O yellow circle and S229 yellow residue by blue covalent bonds. (B) Rhein RHN binds to the deep pocket on the surface of FTO (PDB ID: 4IE7) (represented by gray semitransparent surface); RHN is represented by yellow residue binds to the active site residues by blue covalent bonds. (C) Detailed view of meclofenamic acid (MA) within FTO (PDB ID: 4QKN) active residues (gray carbon residues identified by their numbers); MA is represented by yellow color residue, attached to the active site residues by blue covalent bonds; 2-oxoglutarate analog (NOG) is represented by red carbon residues; nickel (Ni) atom is represented by a pink circle. H2O is represented by a pink circle. (D) Detailed view of Rhein (RHN) within FTO (PDB ID: 4IE7) active residues (gray carbon residues identified by their numbers); RHN is represented by yellow color residue, attached by active site residues by blue covalent bonds; citrate molecule (CIT) is represented by red residue; zinc (Zn) atom is represented by a dark gray circle.