Correlations among Baseline and COVID-19 items/measures assessed in this study. CDI-S, Children’s Depression Inventory; ELS Severity, early life stress; PSS, Perceived Stress Scale; CES-DC, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale for Children. Content of COVID-19 items: Symptoms: self-reported fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, loss of taste or smell; Worry About Food: “did you worry whether your food would run out because of a lack of money?”; Mental Health Impact: “During the past two weeks, how worried have you been about your mental/emotional health being influenced by Coronavirus/COVID-19?”; Difficulty Cancel Events: “how much has cancellation of important events (such as graduation, prom, vacation, etc.) in your life been difficult for you in the past two weeks?”; Stress of Restrictions: “how stressful have the restrictions on leaving home been for you?”; Stress Change Social Contact: “how stressful have these changes in your social contacts been for you?”; Stress Change Family Contact: “how stressful have these changes in family contacts been for you?”. Correlations are corrected using False Discovery Rate; only significant correlations are shown.