Recurrent calcium waves with asynchrony during bursts. (A) Left: the field of view. A vertical red rectangle and a horizontal green rectangle represent two intersecting linear regions of interest (LROI). The calcium signals from each of these LROIs are further displayed in Panel (D). Right: the calcium signal recorded from the intersection of the two LROIs. The spatiotemporal evolution of four calcium waves are further displayed in Panel (C). The dashed lines indicate the timing of images displayed in Panel (C). (B) Left: the distribution of waves per burst. Right: the distribution of inter-wave intervals within bursts. (C) The propagation patterns of four calcium waves within a burst. Notice the variation of cortical onset sites and propagation patterns. (D) The calcium signals from the LROIs. Three bursts are displayed, with the upper left one corresponding to the burst displayed in Panel (A). The top black traces: the average calcium signals of all pixels. The bottom color panels show the vertical anterior-posterior (A-P) and horizontal central-lateral (C-L) propagation of calcium waves from the LROIs. The red arrows provide examples where waves propagated only locally.