Glucosinolate content including (A) aliphatic GS and (B) indolic GS of Chinese kale sprouts under different red and blue light ratios at the 16h-light/8h-dark regime. The X axis represents the different treatments with varied red and blue light ratio. White (W) is the control, red (R) means RB at the ratio of 10:0, 8:2 means RB at the ratio of 8:2, 5:5 means RB at the ratio of 5:5, 2:8 means RB at the ratio of 2:8, and blue (B) means RB at the ratio of 0:10. RB means combined red and blue light. The measurement was performed in four biological replicates, and each biological replicate contains four samples of each treatment. Each data point is the mean of four replicates per treatment. The asterisks (*) indicate the significant difference in comparison of aliphatic GS content under W, R, and B conditions.