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. 2021 Jan 26;17:6. doi: 10.1186/s13002-020-00423-y

Table 1.

List of the recorded wild edible plants

Scientific name Family Local name Local name Voucher Number
Jun Aug Nov Feb Parts used Use
Nuber of species 79 62 59 45
Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. Fabaceae som poi graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figa_HTML.gif 72429 x x x x green parts in BS and MVS to give them sour taste
Acacia pennata (L.) Willd. Fabaceae phak kan kong graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figb_HTML.gif 72440 x x x x green parts BS, chicken soup
Adenanthera pavonina L. Fabaceae phak mak lam graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figc_HTML.gif 72466 x green parts BS, MVS
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa Rutaceae mak tum graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figd_HTML.gif 72477 x x x x fruit tea, also raw, sticky inside to make glue for paper, young leaf tasty but they dont sell it in the market
Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. Fabaceae phak thon graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Fige_HTML.gif x green parts soup, raw
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC. Amaranthaceae phak kan tan graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figf_HTML.gif 72455 x green parts soup, MVS
Amaranthus spinosus L. Amaranthaceae phak hom nam graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figg_HTML.gif 72447 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Amaranthus viridis L. Amaranthaceae phak hom graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figh_HTML.gif 72439 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Amocalyx microlobus Pierre ex Spire Apocynaceae mak sim graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figi_HTML.gif x young fruits raw or added to dishes to give them sour taste
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson Araceae duk deu graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figj_HTML.gif 72492 observed in previous years stalks soup, MVS
Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze Lamiaceae phak ki on graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figk_HTML.gif observed in previous years green parts soup, MVS
Antidesma acidum Retz. Phyllanthaceae mak mao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figl_HTML.gif 72493 x green parts with fruits, fruits green parts added to a soup made with Russula species, always sold placed near a bowl of these mushrooms; fruits are first sour then turn sweet
Arenga westerhoutii Griff. Palmae mak tao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figm_HTML.gif 72478 x x seed, sap for wine seed to make a sweet dessert, sap for wine
Averrhoa carambola L. Euphorbiaceae mak fu yang graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Fign_HTML.gif x x x x fruit raw, also in salads, chicken soup to give sourness
Azidarachta indica A. Juss. Meliaceae phak ka dao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figo_HTML.gif 72430 x x x x green parts MVS
Bambusae, inlcuding: no mai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figp_HTML.gif x x x x shoots BS, bamboo MVS
Bambusa blumeana Schultes Poaceae 72453
Bambusa longispiculata Gamble Poaceae 72498
Bambusa tulda Roxb. Poaceae 72500
Cephalostachyum virgatum (Munro) Kurz Poaceae 72497
Gigantochloa albociliata (Munro)Kurz Poaceae 72494
Indocalamus petelotii (A.Camus) Ohrnb. Poaceae 72501
Indosasa sinica C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao Poaceae 72496
Dendrocalamus sinicus L.C.Chia & J.L.Sun Poaceae 72495
Bauhinia malabarica Roxb. Fabaceae phak xiao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figq_HTML.gif 72448 x x green parts raw and boiled, soup, MVS - added to dishes to give them acidity
Caesalpinia mimosoides Lam. Fabaceae nam phak kha nya

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figr_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figs_HTML.gif

72418 lv lv fl fl green parts, flowers flowers, raw with geaouw, jackfruit salad and other things; young shoots added to dishes to give them sourness
Calamus viminalis Willd. Palmae wai kom graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figt_HTML.gif x x x x stalk burn it for geaw also for soup and 'o lam' soup
Canarium asperum Benth. Burseraceae mak bai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figu_HTML.gif x shoots soup, MVS
Careya arborea Roxb. Lecythidaceae phak ka don graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figv_HTML.gif x green parts raw, as condiment for spicy salad
Caryota urens L. Palmae nyod tao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figw_HTML.gif 72491 x x inside of stalk boiled in soup quite rare in the market, highly prized
Castanopsis hystrix Hook. f. & Thomson ex A. DC. Fagaceae mak ko graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figx_HTML.gif 72480 x fruit after frying
Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Celastraceae mak taek graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figy_HTML.gif 72467 x green parts soup, MVS
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Umbelliferae phak nok graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figz_HTML.gif 72421 x x x x green parts raw or boiled in soup, MVS
Cladophora sp. Cladophoraceae khai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figaa_HTML.gif 72452 x x x x whole plant (green parts) sheets of dried algae spiced with sesame and garlic fried as a snack or sidedish.; the fresh algae also eaten in a sort of vegetable porridge for breakfast
Coccinia grandis (L.)Voigt. Cucurbitaceae phak tam nin, phak tam ling

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figab_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figac_HTML.gif

72464 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Colocasia esculenta (L.)Schott Araceae bon van graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figad_HTML.gif 72458 x x x x leaf stalk soup, MVS, require longer processing
Colocasia gigantea (Blume) Hook.f. thoun graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figae_HTML.gif x x x x leaf stalk papaya salad, soup, MVS
Colubrina longipes Back. Rhamnaceae phak kan tong graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figaf_HTML.gif 72463 x green parts soup, MVS
Commelina diffusa Burm.f. Commelinaceae phak kab pi, phak pab

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figag_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figah_HTML.gif

x green parts soup, MVS
Commelina zeylanica Falkenb. Commelinaceae phak kab pi, phak pab

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figai_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figaj_HTML.gif

72450 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore Asteraceae nya heu bin graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figak_HTML.gif 72426 x x x green parts soup, MVS
Cratoxylum cochinchinense Blume Guttiferae phak tio graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figal_HTML.gif 72409 x x green parts soup, MVS
Cyclea barbata Miers Menispermaceae mo noy graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figam_HTML.gif 72411 x x green parts soup, MVS
Daemonorops jenkinsiana (Griff.) Mart. Palmae wai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figan_HTML.gif 72479 x x x x stalk burned for geaw also for soup, 'o lam' and MVS
Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf. Fabaceae fang daeng, mak fang

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figao_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figap_HTML.gif

72490 x x preserved fruit endosperm of seeds eaten after boiling
Diplazium esculentum (Retz.)Sw. Woodsiaceae phak kud graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figaq_HTML.gif 72425 x x x x green parts soup and MVS, needs boiling
Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms Pontederiaceae phak tob graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figar_HTML.gif 72487 x x green parts steamed and eaten in salad with sesame, fish sauce, coriander and onion, MVS, soup
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Poaceae nya phak khuaai

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figas_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figat_HTML.gif

72465 x green parts MVS
Eryngium foetidum L. Umbelliferae phak hom pe graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figau_HTML.gif 72422 x x x x green parts aromatic herb added to soups and other dishes
Erythrina stricta Roxb. Fabaceae dok thong, phak thong

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figav_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figaw_HTML.gif

72407 x x green parts, fruit young leaves, fruts, raw or 5 min boiling
Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume Moraceae mak war graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figax_HTML.gif x x green parts, fruit fruit and leaf
Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. Salicaceae mak kvien, mak ken ta khuaai

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figay_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figaz_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figba_HTML.gif

x green and ripe fruits to give acidity to dishes, also raw
Gnaphalium polycaulon Pers. Asteraceae phak kaeb graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbb_HTML.gif x green parts MVS
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Malvaceae som pho di graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbc_HTML.gif 72511 x x fruit leaf - soup, fruit - soup, jam
Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Saururaceae phak khao thong graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbd_HTML.gif 72427 x x x x green parts raw salad
Hydrolea zeylanica Vahl Hydrophyllaceae phak bi i ian graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbe_HTML.gif 72461 x green parts soup, MVS
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. Convolvulaceae phak bong graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbf_HTML.gif 72434 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Lasia spinosa (L.) Thwaites Araceae phak nam, bon nam

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbg_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbh_HTML.gif

72431 x x green parts soup, MVS
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit Fabaceae phak ka thin graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbi_HTML.gif 72488 x x x green parts pods and leaves raw in papaya salad, also in 'lab' meat salad
Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau Limnocharitaceae phak kan chong graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbj_HTML.gif 72424 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Limnophila chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. Scrophulariaceae phak kha nhyaeng graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbk_HTML.gif 72420 x x x x green parts soup, MVS, as an aromatic herb giving flavour
Lindernia sp1 Scrophulariaceae nya khai hao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbl_HTML.gif 72454 x green parts soup, MVS
Lindernia sp2 Scrophulariaceae nya khai hao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbm_HTML.gif 72468 x green parts soup, MVS
Lindernia sp3 Scrophulariaceae phak kaeb graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbn_HTML.gif 72470 x green parts soup, MVS
Lindernia sp4 Scrophulariaceae phak dang khom graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbo_HTML.gif 72474 x green parts soup, MVS
Livistona saribus (Lour.)Merr. Ex Chev. Palmae mak kho graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbp_HTML.gif 72481 x x fruit fruit after placing in hot water
Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. Lygodiaceae phak kud noy graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbq_HTML.gif 72437 x x x green parts soup, MVS
Mangifera sp. (a wild taxon) Anacardiaceae bai mak mouang graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbr_HTML.gif observed in previous years green parts soup, MVS
Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. Bignoniaceae dok khae graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbs_HTML.gif 72483 x x flowers raw, also pork/chicken filling and steamed
Marsilea crenata C. Presl. Marsileaceae phak waen graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbt_HTML.gif 72446 x x x x green parts fried like morning glory, salad with sesame, onion, galangal, ginger
Melientha suavis Pierre Opiliaceae phak wan ba graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbu_HTML.gif 72484 x x x green parts soup, MVS
Millettia brandisiana Kurz Opiliaceae dok ban graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbv_HTML.gif 72489 x green parts boil in water 1-2 min, and then salad with sesame onion, fish sauce coriander
Momordica charantia L. Cucurbitaceae phak sai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbw_HTML.gif 72436 x x x x green parts shoots for soup, fruit boiled eaten with geaow
Moringa oleifera Lam. Moringaceae phak i hum graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbx_HTML.gif 72428 x x green parts soup, MVS
Nasturtium officinale W.T. Aitom Brassicaceae phak nam graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figby_HTML.gif 72444 x x x x green parts aromatic herb added to soups and other dishes
Neptunia oleracea Lour. Fabaceae phak ka sed graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figbz_HTML.gif 72415 x x x x green parts raw and bamboo soup
Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Lamiaceae phak ka phao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figca_HTML.gif 72441 x x x x green parts aromatic herb added to soups and other dishes
Ocimum sp. Lamiaceae phak sa ao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcb_HTML.gif 72456 x x x x green parts aromatic herb added to soups and other dishes
Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz Bignoniaceae lin mai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcc_HTML.gif 72416 fl, lv fr fr green parts, fruit, flowers flower and fruit, flowers steamed with pork/chicken stuffed in it, praised in spite of their bitterness
Oxalis corniculata L. Oxalidaceae som saeng ka graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcd_HTML.gif 72438 x x green parts soup, MVS
Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. Pandanaceae bai toey graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figce_HTML.gif 72482 x x green parts to give food gentle flavour and green colour
Passiflora edulis Sims Passifloraceae mak nod graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcf_HTML.gif 72459 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Passiflora foetida L. Passifloraceae phak moy graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcg_HTML.gif 72471 x x x x green parts soup, MVS
Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels Euphorbiaceae bai mak nyom graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figch_HTML.gif x green parts soup, MVS
Phyllanthus emblica L. Euphorbiaceae mak kaam pom

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figci_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcj_HTML.gif

x green parts soup, MVS
Piper ribesioides Wall. /Piper interruptum Opiz. Piperaceae sa khan graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figck_HTML.gif 72485 x x x x stalk added to dishes for flavouring, e.g. in 'o lam'
Piper sarmentosum Roxb. Piperaceae phak iloed graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcl_HTML.gif 72505 x x x green parts in 'o lam', it enhances a dish’s flavour. it is  also added to some river weed and taro (bon) dishes, and used to wrap little snacks
Polygonum odoratum Lour. Polygonaceae phud phaeng graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcm_HTML.gif 72510 x x x x green parts aromatic herb added to soups, MV and other dishes
Protium serratum (Wall.ex Colebr.)Engl. Burseraceae mak phaen graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcn_HTML.gif 72508 x ripe fruits used to give acid taste to dishes
Rhus chinensis Mill. Anacardiaceae som fod graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figco_HTML.gif 72476 x fruit used to add sour taste to dishes
Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.) Merrill Meliaceae mak tong graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcp_HTML.gif 72473 x fruit eaten raw
Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. Euphorbiaceae phak wan ban

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcq_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcr_HTML.gif

72443 x green parts soup. MWV
Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Merr. Sapindaceae mak ko som graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcs_HTML.gif 72509 x ripe fruits used to give acid taste to dishes
Sechium edule (Jacquin) Swartz Cucurbitaceae phak soe, mak soe

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figct_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcu_HTML.gif

72460 x green parts soup. MWV
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir. Fabaceae phak khae khao, dok khae

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcv_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcw_HTML.gif

72472 x x x x flowers, green parts soup. MWV
Solanum barbisetum Nees Solanaceae mak pu mak nya

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcx_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcy_HTML.gif

72442 x young fruits
Solanum indicum L. Solanaceae mak kaen kon graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figcz_HTML.gif x green parts raw
Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal Solanaceae mak oek graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figda_HTML.gif 72410 x fruit papaya salad
Solanum nigrum L. Solanaceae phak did nam graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdb_HTML.gif 72417 x x x green parts soup. MWV, also used raw
Solanum spirale Roxb. Solanaceae mak did graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdc_HTML.gif 72408 x x green parts soup. MWV
Spilanthes acmella (L.)L. Asteraceae phak khad hun graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdd_HTML.gif 72413 x x x x green parts raw, but mostly in soups, MVS, 'o lam'
Spilanthes paniculata Wall. ex DC. Asteraceae phak khad dok noy

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figde_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdf_HTML.gif

72412 x green parts soup. MWV
Spondias pinnata (Koenig ex L.f.)Kurz Anacardiaceae mak kok graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdg_HTML.gif 72462 x x x fruit fruit grilled for geauw, also chicken soup, o lam, also raw
Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae mak kham graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdh_HTML.gif x x x x fruit raw or paste as condiment
Tiliacora triandra Diels. Menispermaceae bai ya nang graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdi_HTML.gif 72433 x x x x green parts used to make yanang water used in bamboo soup
Trapa natans L. Trapaceae mak ka chap graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdj_HTML.gif 72514 x fruit boiled snack
Zanthoxylum retsa (Roxb.)DC. Anacardiaceae mak khaen graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdk_HTML.gif 72486 x x x x fruit (seed coating) spice for all foods
Zizyphus sp. Rhamnaceae mak ka than graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdl_HTML.gif x x fruit raw snack
unidentified mak noy tai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdm_HTML.gif observed in previous years fruit raw snack
unidentified phak i tu graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdn_HTML.gif observed in previous years green parts soup. MWV
unidentified phak dit pa graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdo_HTML.gif observed in previous years green parts soup. MWV

Abbreviations: BS bamboo soup, MVS mixed vegetable salad, lv leaves, fl flowers, fr fruit