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. 2021 Jan 26;17:6. doi: 10.1186/s13002-020-00423-y

Table 2.

List of the recorded fungi taxa

Scientific name Family Local Lao name transliteration Local Lao name Feb Jun Aug Nov Use Status
Number of taxa in each season 10 28 26 17
Amanita hemibapha (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. 1887 Amanitaceae het la ngok leuang graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdp_HTML.gif x x food wild
Amanita princeps Corner & Bas 1962 Amanitaceae het la ngok khao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdq_HTML.gif x x food wild
Amanita sp. Amanitaceae het la ngok graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdr_HTML.gif x x food wild
Astraeus odoratus Phosri, Watling, M.P. Martín & Whalley 2004 Diplocystidiaceae het pho graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figds_HTML.gif x food wild
Auricularia spp., including: Auriculariaceae het hou nou graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdt_HTML.gif x x x x food wild
Auricularia aff. fibrillifera Kobayasi 1973
Auricularia delicata (Mont. ex Fr.) Henn. 1893
Auricularia mesenterica (Dicks.) Pers. 1822 or A. asiatica Bandara & K.D. Hyde 2016
Auricularia nigricans (Sw.) Birkebak, Looney & Sánchez-García 2013
Boletus aff. gertrudiae Peck 1911 Boletaceae het pheung graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdu_HTML.gif x x food wild
Boletus reticulatus Schaeff. 1763 Boletaceae het pheung graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdv_HTML.gif x x food wild
Calvatia sp. Agaricaceae het thang graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdw_HTML.gif x food wild
Cantharellula sp. Cantharellaceae het saet graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdx_HTML.gif x food wild
Cantharellus spp. Cantharellaceae het saet graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdy_HTML.gif x x x food wild
Clavulina sp. Cantharellaceae het nuat graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figdz_HTML.gif x food wild
Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer 1951 Agaricaceae het sen nyai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figea_HTML.gif x x x x food cultivated
Ganoderma gibbosum (Cooke) Pat. 1897 Ganodermataceae het lin chu graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figeb_HTML.gif x x x x medicine sold to Chinese tourists wild
Ganoderma sp. Ganodermataceae het lin chu graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figec_HTML.gif x x x x medicine sold to Chinese tourists wild
Lactifluus pinguis (Van de Putte & Verbeken) Van de Putte 2012 and Lactifluus volemus (Fr.) Kuntze 1891 Russulaceae het hat graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figed_HTML.gif x x x food wild
Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler 1976 Omphalotaceae het hom graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figee_HTML.gif x x x x food cultivated
Lentinus polychrous Lév. 1844 Polyporaceae het bot graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figef_HTML.gif x x x x food wild
Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. 1842 Polyporaceae het khao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figey_HTML.gif x x x x food wild
Leucoagaricus meleagris (Gray) Singer 1951a Agaricaceae not recordeda x food wild
Macrocybe gigantea (Massee) Pegler & Lodge 1998 Tricholomataceae het tin sang graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figez_HTML.gif food cultivated
Phlebopus portentosus (Berk. & Broome) Boedijn 1951 Boletinallaceae het pheung graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfa_HTML.gif x x food wild
Pisolithus orientalis Watling, Phosri & M.P. Martín 2012 Sclerodermataceae het mak kheua graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfb_HTML.gif x food wild
Pleurotus aff. ferulaginis Zervakis, Venturella & Cattar. 2014 Pleurotaceae het nang lom graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfc_HTML.gif food wild
Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél. 1872 Pleurotaceae het tin haet graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfd_HTML.gif x x x x food cultivated
Pleurotus giganteus (Berk.) Karun. & K.D. Hyde 2011 Pleurotaceae het sang graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfe_HTML.gif food wild
Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quél. 1872 Pleurotaceae het nang lom graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figff_HTML.gif x x x x food cultivated
Polyporus udus Jungh. 1840 Polyporaceae het ting moi graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfg_HTML.gif x food wild
Russula spp., all species sold mixed together, including: Russulaceae large veriety of names used, e.g. het din, het nam mak, het le dou, het kok

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfh_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfi_HTML.gif

graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfj_HTML.gif

x x x food wild
Russula alboareolata Hongo 1979
Russula delica Fr. 1838
Russula faustiana Sarnari 1992
Russula integra (L.) Fr. 1838
Russula paludosa Britzelm. 1891
Russula sp. 1
Russula sp. 2
Russula sp. 3
Russula sp. 4
Russula sp. 5
Russula sp. 6
Russula sp. 7
Russula sp. 8
Russula sp. 9
Russula subfoetens W.G. Sm. 1873
Russula virescens (Schaeff.) Fr. 1836
Schizophyllum commune Fr. 1815 Schizophyllaceae het khaen graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfk_HTML.gif x x x food wild
Termitomyces fuliginosus R.Heim 1951
Termitomyces eurrhizus (Berk.) R. Heim 1942 Lyophyllaceae het khon kao graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfl_HTML.gif x x x food wild
Termitomyces heimii Natarajan 1979 Lyophyllaceae het pouak graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfm_HTML.gif x x x food wild
Termitomyces microcarpus (Berk. & Broome) R. Heim 1941 Lyophyllaceae het kai noy graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfn_HTML.gif x x x food wild
Volvariella volvacea (Bull.) Singer 1951 Pluteaceae het feuong graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfo_HTML.gif x x x x food wild and cultivated
undientified ? het hai graphic file with name 13002_2020_423_Figfp_HTML.gif x food wild

aa single fruiting body found in the market, it may have been mistakenly collected instead of some other species