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. 2021 Jan 19;11(1):144. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11010144

Table 2.

Comparison of patient’s characteristics by subgroups.

Variables PARP Positive PARP Negative p-Value
Number of patients (n = 104; 100%) 70 (67.31%) 34 (32.69%) -
Mean age (years) 59.01 ± 10.37 years 55.71 ± 12.55 years 0.158
Histological type
Serous 68/70 (97.14%) 32/34 (94.12%) 0.454
other 2/70 (2.86%) 2/34 (6.88%)
Grade (2-tier)
High 70/70 (100%) 34/34 (100%) 1
Early (FIGO IIIA») 8/70 (11.43%) 7/34 (20.59%) 0.41
Advanced (FIGO IIIB«) 62/70 (88.57%) 27/34 (79.41%)
Bulky lymph node metastasis
Yes 21/70 (30.00%) 12/34 (35.29%) 0.59
No 49/70 (70.00%) 22/34 (64.71%)
Primer debulking surgery
with no residual disease (R0) 36/70 (51.43%) 20/34 (58.82%) 0.48
with residual disease (R1) 34/70 (48.57%) 14/34 (41.18%)
BRCA status
positive 20/70 (28.57%) 11/34 (32.35%) 0.694
negative 50/70 (71.43%) 23/34 (67.65%)
No of relapse 60/70 (85.71%) 26/34 (76.47%) 0.245
Median PFS 11.9 months 20.1 months 0.001
No of death 28/70 (40%) 12/34 (35.29%) 0.646
Median OS 49 months 114 months 0.014