Figure 6:
Comparison of estimates of ancestral (Nanc) and current (Ncur) population sizes when assuming neutrality vs when varying the DFE shape as a nuisance parameter, using an ABC framework. Inference is shown for demographic equilibrium (left column), 2-fold exponential growth (middle column), and 2-fold population decline (right column), for five separate DFE shapes that define the extent of direct purifying selection acting on the genomic segment for which demographic inference is performed: (a) neutrality, (b) DFE1, (c) DFE2, (d) DFE3, and (e) DFE4 (see Table 1). In each case, the horizontal lines give the true values (black for Nanc; and gray for Ncur) and the box-plots give the estimated values. Black and gray boxes represent estimates when assuming neutrality, while red boxes represent estimates when the DFE is treated as a nuisance parameter. Detailed methods including command lines can be found at: