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[Preprint]. 2021 Jan 18:2020.12.03.20242032. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2020.12.03.20242032

Figure 2. Multilevel modeling allows for comprehensive analysis of MSH accounting menstrual pain, somatic symptoms, bladder pain.

Figure 2.

In level 1, participant unpleasantness ratings (U) from visual stimulation were modeled as a function of brightness intensity and cortical excitation from 25Hz power spectral density (PSD) estimates. Each participant and electrode were modeled individually, allowing for random intercepts and slopes. Ellipsis indicate all participants are included in this model. Intercepts, brightness slopes, and PSD slopes were modeled separately in level 2 as a function of participants’ prior menstrual pain, somatic symptoms, and bladder pain. This was modeled separately for each electrode but across participants. Moderating effects are demonstrated with arrows depicting high vs. low reported pain/symptoms. Therefore, level 2 brightness and PSD slopes depict positive moderating effects; however, negative moderating effects are also possible (not shown). Data presented are fictional and shown for illustrative purposes. MSH = multisensory hypersensitivity.