General |
Refers to overall comment about online classes without referring to a specific context or content |
“Online classes are innovative way, and is supplementing classroom teaching” |
Content |
Presentations or videos or audios used by the instructor |
“Add more images/videos/GIFs/comic etc., appropriate to the course content would make it more interesting and feel good for listeners thereby magnetise the concentration of the listeners.” |
Connectivity |
Access to internet |
“Attendance should not be considered for some students as they have not responded due to poor network” |
Interactivity |
Active participation of instructor and learners’ during the class |
“Online classes are not lively. Instructor should ensure active participation of students” |
Flexibility |
Convenience of teacher and learner |
“Convenience of the student should be considered and give sufficient time to learn themselves” |
Skills |
Expertise of instructor in imparting knowledge and digital literacy of instructor |
“Instructor should explain in an effective way such that students can remember for longer time” |
Evaluation |
Assessing the learning by queries raised by learner, online tests and assignments and taking their feedback |
“Make it mandatory so that students ask doubts and that will be marked” |