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. 2020 Jul 11;9:e00477. doi: 10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00477

Table 3.

Symbols, values and units of the parameters used in model.

Description of Parameters Symbol Value Source
Natural death rate of humans μ 0.0122 Estimated
Rate at which immunity is lost (loss of immunity) δ 0.4335 Estimated
Rate of COVID-19 induced deaths σ 0.1139 Estimated
Rate of progression of quarantined individuals to the infected class α1 0.5 Estimated
Rate of progression of quarantined individuals to susceptible class α2 0.56 Estimated
Recovery rate of infected individuals α3 0.547 [27]
Recruitment rate by immigration λT 0.0628 Estimated
Restriction parameter γ 0.7 Estimated
Probability that an individual gets infected p1 0.8 Estimated
Maximum transmission rate of COVD-19 βmax 0.9943 Estimated
Minimum transmission rate of COVD-19 βmin 0.5027 Estimated
Information growth rate ω0 0.025 [27]
Level of hygiene in the absence of information H0 0.0246 Estimated
Rate at which information degenerate d 0.975 Estimated
Half saturation point for F(I)
as it attains half of its
maximum value
ω0ω2 when infected
population arrives at ω1 ω1 0.9495 Estimated
Saturation constant of information ω2 0.0263 Estimated