Table 2:
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Markers of Poor Prognosis, and Medication Use for the Sample, Stratified by Explicit Documentation of Limited Prognosis.
Full Sample (n=13,844) n (%) | Explicit Documentation of Limited Prognosis (n=4,092) n (%) | No Explicit Documentation of Limited Prognosis (n=9,752) n (%) | |
Cardiovascular Risk Factors | |||
Number of qualifying conditions ** | |||
Coronary artery disease OR stroke (not both) | 10.451 (75.5) | 3,270 (79.9) | 7,181 (73.6) |
Both coronary artery disease AND stroke | 3,393 (24.5) | 822 (20.1) | 2,571 (26.4) |
Diabetes** | 7,466 (53.9) | 1,933 (47.2) | 5,533 (56.7) |
Congestive heart failure* | 7,317 (52.9) | 2,228 (54.5) | 5,089 (52.2) |
Hypertension** | 12,982 (93.8) | 3,777 (92.3) | 9,205 (94.4) |
Hyperlipidemia* * | 9,742 (70.4) | 2,792 (68.2) | 6,950 (71.3) |
Venous thromboembolism | 1,643 (11.9) | 509 (12.4) | 1,134 (11.6) |
Atrial fibrillation | 2,648 (19.1) | 816 (19.9) | 1,832 (18.8) |
Myocardial Infarction in the last year** | 1,161 (8.4) | 403 (9.9) | 758 (7.8) |
Stroke in the last year** | 3,733 (27.0) | 897 (21.9) | 2,836 (29.1) |
Current Smoker* | 1,233 (8.9) | 399 (9.8) | 834 (8.6) |
Body Mass Index (kg/m2)** | |||
Normal or healthy weight (18.5 to <25.0) | 5,968 (43.1) | 1,962 (48.0) | 4,006 (41.1) |
Underweight (<18.5) | 1,107 (8.0) | 472 (11.5) | 635 (6.5) |
Overweight (25.0 to <30.0) | 3,970 (28.7) | 1,084 (26.5) | 2,886 (29.6) |
Obese (≥30) | 2,799 (20.2) | 574 (14.0) | 2,225 (22.8) |
Markers of Poor Prognosis | |||
Advanced dementia** | 4,211 (30.4) | 1,075 (26.3) | 3,136 (32.2) |
Documentation of limited prognosis or hospice use | 4,094 (29.6) | 4,092 (100) | 0 (0) |
Number of Elixhauser conditions** | |||
0–1 | 1,019 (7.4) | 221 (5.4) | 798 (8.2) |
2–3 | 3,144 (22.7) | 846 (20.7) | 2,298 (23.6) |
4–5 | 4,145 (29.9) | 1,264 (30.9) | 2,881 (29.5) |
>5 | 5,536 (40.0) | 1,761 (43.0) | 3,775 (38.7) |
Recent weight loss** | 5,555 (40.1) | 1,568 (38.3) | 3,987 (40.9) |
Poor appetite** | 5,478 (39.6) | 2,025 (49.5) | 3,453 (35.4) |
Renal failure** | 2,830 (20.4) | 681 (16.6) | 2,149 (22.0) |
Dehydration | 138 (1.0) | 43 (1.1) | 95 (1.0) |
Acute change in mental status** | 1,365 (9.9) | 496 (12.1) | 869 (8.9) |
Shortness of breath** | 5,586 (40.4) | 1,883 (46.0) | 3,703 (38.0) |
Cancer** | 4,633 (33.5) | 1,740 (42.5) | 2,893 (29.7) |
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) score** | |||
0 - <1 | 1,438 (10.4) | 464 (11.3) | 974 (10.0) |
1 to <2 | 3,218 (23.2) | 733 (17.9) | 2,485 (25.5) |
2 to <3 | 4,714 (34.1) | 1,203 (29.4) | 3,511 (36.0) |
3 to <4 | 3,185 (23.0) | 1,127 (27.5) | 2,085 (21.1) |
4 | 1,289 (9.3) | 565 (13.8) | 724 (7.4) |
Aggressive Behavior** | |||
None | 11,405 (82.4) | 3,469 (84.8) | 7,936 (81.4) |
Moderate | 1,552 (11.2) | 378 (9.2) | 1,174 (12.0) |
Severe | 669 (4.8) | 193 (4.7) | 476 (4.9) |
Very severe | 218 (1.6) | 52 (1.3) | 166 (1.7) |
IV feeding tube in place** | 1,282 (9.3) | 275 (6.7) | 1,007 (10.3) |
On Mechanical Diet** | 5,643 (40.8) | 1,869 (45.7) | 3,774 (38.7) |
Swallowing Problems** | 2,538 (18.3) | 849 (20.8) | 1,689 (17.3) |
Presence of any pain (n, % yes)** | 9,563 (69.1) | 3,005 (73.4) | 6,558 (67.3) |
Fall or fracture in 180 days before admission** | 6,870 (49.6) | 1,929 (47.1) | 4,941 (50.7) |
Medications Prescribed Wlich May Impact Aspirin Prescribing | |||
Anti-platelet** | 2,558 (18.5) | 666 (16.3) | 1,892 (19.4) |
Anti-thrombotic Agents** | 7,057 (51.0) | 1,707 (41.7) | 5,250 (54.9) |
H2-Receptor Antagonists* | 1,547 (11.2) | 421 (10.3) | 1,126 (11.6) |
Proton Pump Inhibitors | 7,290 (52.7) | 2,119 (51.8) | 5,171 (53.0) |
NSAIDs** | 514 (3.7) | 124 (3.0) | 390 (4.0) |