Diabetes management—no medications (N), oral agents only (O), insulin only (I) or insulin and oral agents (I+) —in DCR and NHANES by A1c level. For A1c<7%/<53 mmol/mol: DCR (N=53%, O=40%, I=3%, I+ =4%) vs. NHANES (N=25%, O=64%, I=7%, I+ =4%). For A1c 7–9%/53–75 mmol/mol: DCR (N=15%, O=54%, I=12%, I+ =19%) vs. NHANES (N=5%, O=51%, I=16%, I+ =28%). For A1c>9%/>75 mmol/mol: DCR (N=21%, O=44%, I=13%, I+ =22%) vs. NHANES (N=22%, O=37%, I=16%, I+ =26%).