(A) 3D morphological reconstruction of a GoC [from [19]] including dendrites (blue), soma (black), axonal initial segment and axon (red). The apical dendrites where distinguished based on their projection into the molecular layer (ML), while basal dendrites remained in the granular layer (GL). (B) Localization of ionic channels in the different model sections according to immunohistochemical, electrophysiological and pharmacological data. (C) Spikes during pacemaking in the different sectors indicated in B. Note the strong spike reduction in apical GoC dendrites but the effective backpropagation into basal dendrites. (D) Responses to 100-200-300 pA step current injections in the model. (E) Spikes (taken from C) on expanded time scale. Note that spikes are generated in the AIS and then propagate with increasing delay to soma, axon, basal and apical dendrites. In this latter, spikelets are severely delayed, reduced and slowed down. When not otherwise specified, examples in the next figures will be taken from this same Golgi cell model.