Figure 5. Reductions with active and passive dendritic compartments under in vivo like conditions.
(A) AMPA and GABA synapses, and AMPA+NMDA synapse clusters are spread randomly throughout the basal dendrites of the L2/3 pyramid (inset). AMPA and GABA synapses receive Poisson inputs and AMPA+NMDA synapses receive bursting input (right). (B) Output spike rates of the full model for 10 different input configurations. (C) Reductions with increasing numbers of compartment sites along the basal dendrites (left). Somatic voltage traces and spike times for the full model (gray), for a reduction with passive dendrites (middle, blue) and a reduction with active dendrites (right, orange). (D–F) Spike coincidence factors (D), relative somatic voltage errors (E) and relative dendritic voltage errors (F) for reductions with increasing numbers of compartments, and with passive (blue) and active dendrites (orange), averaged over all 10 input configurations. Relative voltage errors are computed as in Figure 2C,D.