A) Feature plots with a set of positional genes at E12 (see
Figure 8C for expression at E18). (
B) In situ hybridization for
FGF8 and
PSCA at E16, showing co-expression of
FGF8 and
PSCA at the high acuity area (area centralis). The
PSCA+ domain is broader than the
FGF8 domain (arrowheads). Bar, 20 µm. (
C) Schematic representation for expression of
FGF8, and
TMEM123. Between E12 and E20,
TMEM123 is progressively restricted to peripheral retina and is then downregulated;
FGF8 is present in central retina then downregulated; and
PSCA appears in central retina between E14 and E16.