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. 2021 Jan 22;100(3):e23690. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000023690

Table 5.

Linear regression model predicting stress level of students as measured on 1–10 points.

Beta Std. Error Standardized Beta t-value P-value
(Constant) 40.177 2.384 16.854 <.001
Sex = Male 1.014 .333 .132 3.048 .003
Year of study .286 .104 .122 2.744 .006
Takes annual vaccine = Yes .448 .388 .049 1.154 .249
SQRT-GAD7 1.183 .136 .397 8.689 <0.001
Knowledge score on COVID19. 0.064 .142 .019 0.452 .652
Hygienic Practices change during COVID19 1.550 .187 .382 8.307 <0.001
Perceived Domestic Hygiene awareness COVID19 .580 .216 .119 2.686 .008
Perceived adequacy of information on COVID19 -.215 .222 -.043 -0.969 .334
Perceived required facilitations during COVID19 0.761 0.215 0.158 3.541 <0.001