Enhanced Ca2+ Sparks in DM Mice
(A) Representative line-scan images of Ca2+ sparks. (B) Increased frequency of Ca2+ sparks in DM. (C) Representative trace of caffeine-induced Ca2+ transients. (D) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content is unchanged (p = 0.407). (E) Transient outward peak potassium current (Ito-peak), (F) total potassium current (IK+-peak), and (G) steady-state current (IK+-SS), revealed similar current densities between Ctrl (n = 5) and DM (n = 10) mice. Values are mean ± SEM. (B, D) The n value within the bars indicates the total number of cells tested from >3 different mice. ∗∗∗p < 0.001. Abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2.