Electron cryo microscopy and subtomogram slices of H. volcanii. (A) A slice through the reconstructed tomogram of H. volcanii. The subtomographic slice reveals the cells filled with ribosomes (R) and a possible storage granule (St). The cells are enveloped by the cytoplasmic membrane (M) and a S-layer (S). From the cells, the archaellar motility system, the archaellum, extends (Ar). Scale bar is 500 nm. (B) Extracted subtomographic slice, showing the top view of the cell. The cell body is covered by the hexagonal arranged S-layer lattice. Gold fiducial (G) and ice crystal (I) contaminations are indicated. Scale bar is 500 nm. (C) A magnified tomographic slice from (A) showing the characteristic dome-like shape the arranged S-layer protein indicated by a red arrow. Scale bar is 100 nm.