1. |
National Telemedicine Guidelines for Singapore |
National Telemedicine Advisory Committee |
Singapore, 2015 |
Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and practitioners. |
Advisory guidelines |
Definitions of telemedicine, consent, identification confidentiality, privacy, security, record keeping, data storage, licensing, clinical governance, ethics, legal issues, cost, user feedback, and options. |
2. |
Ethical code and ethical guidelines 2016 Edition |
Singapore Medical Council |
Singapore, 2016 |
Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. |
Advisory guidelines |
Guideline on “remote consultation” (telemedicine) for initial and continuing care consultations, confidentiality, identification, record-keeping, international service, licensing, fees, and clinical governance. |
3. |
Ethical code and ethical guidelines 2002 |
Singapore Medical Council |
Singapore, 2002 |
Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. |
Advisory guidelines |
Guideline on remote initial consultations and remote consultations (telemedicine) in continuing care, confidentiality, identification, record-keeping, licensing, and clinical governance. |
4. |
Health care Services Act (HCSA) |
Ministry of Health, Singapore |
Singapore, 2021–2022 |
Clinical, ethical, and legal aspects of telemedicine licensing, technical, and operational standards. |
Act |
Licensing, ethics, quality assurance, and clinical governance of health-care service providers (Principal Officer and Clinical Governance Officer). |
5. |
Regulatory Guideline for Telehealth Products |
Medical Devices Branch, Health Sciences Authority |
Singapore, 2019 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational standards of telehealth products. |
Policy statement/guidelines |
Definition of telehealth, telehealth product licensing, clinical governance, and infrastructure. |
6. |
Layanan Telemedis di Indonesia: Keniscayaan, Risiko, dan Batasan Etika |
Prawiroharjo P., Pratana P., and Librianty N. |
Jakarta, Indonesia, 2019 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. |
Review article |
Clinical governance, ethics, confidentiality, security, privacy, legal, cost, data storage, record keeping, and infrastructure. |
7. |
Kebijakan Pengembangan Tele-Medisin Di Indonesia |
Bernhard HS |
Jakarta, Indonesia, 2015 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. |
Review article |
Confidentiality, record keeping, data storage, clinical governance, ethics, legal issues, human resource, infrastructure, international service, spectrum of telemedicine services, and cost. |
8. |
Peraturan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Nomor 74 Tahun 2020 Tentang Kewenangan Klinis dan Praktik Kedokteran Melalui Telemedicine Pada Masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) di Indonesia |
Supriyanto B. and Ekatjahjana W. Indonesian Medical Council |
Indonesia, 2020 |
Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of tele-consultation and tele-practice. |
Advisory guidelines |
Definitions, consent, clinical governance, ethics, confidentiality, record keeping, data storage in medical and health facilities (Fasyankes), imbursement, and prohibitions. |
9. |
Permenkes No. 20 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelenggaraan Telemedicine antar Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan |
Moeloek NF and Ekatjahjana W. Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia |
Indonesia, 2019 |
Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine services. |
Advisory guidelines |
List of definitions related to telemedicine, diagnostics, record keeping, infrastructure and Apps licensing, human resource, leadership, ethics, identification, consent, confidentiality, clinical governance, task of health-care facilities that provide telemedicine, cost, reimbursement, and funding regulation in Indonesia. |
10. |
Peraturan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Nomor 8 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Yang Diedarkan Secara Daring |
Ministry of Health, Indonesia |
Indonesia, 2020 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of tele-pharmacy. |
Policy statement/guidelines |
Definition, privacy, confidentiality, consent, identification, clinical governance, ICT infrastructure, ethics, legal, licensing, and mHealth. |
11. |
Kajian Tekno-Ekonomi pada Telehealth di Indonesia (Techno-Economic Study on Telehealth in Indonesia) |
Sri A and Kautsarina |
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia, 2017 |
Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine. |
Review article |
Capital and operational expenditures of telehealth programs, definition, infrastructure, clinical governance, record keeping, and data storage. |
12. |
Overview of Telemedicine Activities in Indonesia: progress and constraints |
Andriyan B. S., Sastro-kusumo U., Tati L.R. et al. |
Bandung, Indonesia, 2004 |
Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine. |
Review article |
History, present, and development of telemedicine in Indonesia, international service, and parties involved in telemedicine. |
13. |
Surat Edaran Nomor HK.02.01/Menkes/303/2020 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Kesehatan Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Dalam Rangka Pengahan Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) |
Ministry of Health, Indonesia |
Indonesia, 2020 |
Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. |
Circular/guidelines |
Definitions, clinical governance, privacy, security, record keeping, infrastructure, ethics, and cost. |
14. |
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 Concerning Electronic Information and Transactions Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik. |
Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Indonesia |
Indonesia, 2008 |
Legal, technical and operational aspects of information and electronic transactions. |
Act |
Definitions, governance, security, record keeping, storage, distribution, infrastructure, legal |
15. |
Malaysian Medical Council Advisory on Virtual Consultation (during the Covid-19 pandemic) |
Malaysian Medical Council |
Malaysia, 2020 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. |
Advisory guidelines |
Definition of “virtual consultation” (telemedicine), ethics, patient and health-care practitioner identification, consent, ethics, clinical governance, and legal. |
16. |
Telemedicine Flagship Application: Malaysia's Telemedicine Blueprint Leading Healthcare into the Information Age |
Ministry of Health, Malaysia |
Malaysia, 1997 |
Clinical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine. |
Policy statement |
List of definitions and applications of telemedicine, infrastructure, data storage, record-keeping, legal, and cost. |
17. |
HIMS Blueprint – toward excellence in Health Information Management |
Health Informatics Center, Planning Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia |
Malaysia, 2013 |
Technical and operational aspects of telemedicine (Health Information Management and Support Services) in MoH and related agencies. |
Policy statement |
Confidentiality and privacy, security and data protection, consent, user access, role of stakeholders, infrastructure support, health informatics standards, capacity, and capability building. |
18. |
Telemedicine Act 564 |
Ministry of Health, Malaysia |
Malaysia, 1997 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. |
Act |
Definitions of telemedicine and health-care practitioners, confidentiality, identification, record keeping, data storage, international service, ethics, and legal issues. |
19. |
Medical Device Act (737) 2012 |
Medical Device Authority, Malaysia |
Malaysia, 2012 |
Clinical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of medical devices. |
Act |
Definition and classification of medical device, therapeutic and diagnostic digital applications and data, clinical governance, licensing, maintenance, legal issues, and fees. |
20. |
Medical Device Authority Act (738) 2012 |
Medical Device Authority, Malaysia |
Malaysia, 2012 |
Clinical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of control and regulation of all matters relating to the medical device, the industry, and its activities. |
Act |
Clinical governance, licensing, infrastructure, research, and training, legal and funding issues. |
21. |
Laws of Malaysia Act 588 Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 |
Ministry of Multimedia and Communication, Malaysia |
Malaysia, 1998 |
Legal and technical aspects of information sharing on the internet. |
Act |
Governance, infrastructure, licensing, legal, and intellectual property. |
22. |
eHealth Strategy, Ministry of Public Health (2017–2026) |
Ministry of Public Health, Thailand |
Thailand, 2017 |
Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health innovation. |
Policy statement |
Definitions and benefits of eHealth; electronic health record and eHealth uptake; ICT and telemedicine infrastructure and readiness; and 5-year eHealth action plan compliant with the digital economy. |
23. |
Ethics, social medical and e-health in Thailand |
Suttisak J. |
Thailand, 2015 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and social media. |
Literature review |
Definitions, social media Apps, privacy, security, confidentiality, identification, legal, ethics, record keeping, storage, clinical governance, infrastructure. |
24. |
Regulating the management of Distance Medicine (Circular No. 49/2017/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2017 on telemedicine) |
Ministry of Health, Vietnam |
Vietnam, 2017 |
Clinical, ethical, legal, technical and operational aspects of distance medicine within Vietnam and Vietnamese medical facilities from abroad |
Circular/ guidelines |
Definition of “distant medicine” (telemedicine), confidentiality, ethics, data storage, clinical governance, licensing, infrastructure, cost, and international service. Distance medicine activities may only occur at licensed facilities; storage and compression of images must be on a 4 Mbps or faster line. |