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. 2021 Jan 13;11:581649. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.581649

Table 1.

Summary of telemedicine guidelines in South East Asian countries.

No. Article Title Author(s) Country of origin, year Scope/domain/element Type of article Main findings
1. National Telemedicine Guidelines for Singapore National Telemedicine Advisory Committee Singapore, 2015 Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and practitioners. Advisory guidelines Definitions of telemedicine, consent, identification confidentiality, privacy, security, record keeping, data storage, licensing, clinical governance, ethics, legal issues, cost, user feedback, and options.
2. Ethical code and ethical guidelines 2016 Edition Singapore Medical Council Singapore, 2016 Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. Advisory guidelines Guideline on “remote consultation” (telemedicine) for initial and continuing care consultations, confidentiality, identification, record-keeping, international service, licensing, fees, and clinical governance.
3. Ethical code and ethical guidelines 2002 Singapore Medical Council Singapore, 2002 Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. Advisory guidelines Guideline on remote initial consultations and remote consultations (telemedicine) in continuing care, confidentiality, identification, record-keeping, licensing, and clinical governance.
4. Health care Services Act (HCSA) Ministry of Health, Singapore Singapore, 2021–2022 Clinical, ethical, and legal aspects of telemedicine licensing, technical, and operational standards. Act Licensing, ethics, quality assurance, and clinical governance of health-care service providers (Principal Officer and Clinical Governance Officer).
5. Regulatory Guideline for Telehealth Products Medical Devices Branch, Health Sciences Authority Singapore, 2019 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational standards of telehealth products. Policy statement/guidelines Definition of telehealth, telehealth product licensing, clinical governance, and infrastructure.
6. Layanan Telemedis di Indonesia: Keniscayaan, Risiko, dan Batasan Etika Prawiroharjo P., Pratana P., and Librianty N. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2019 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. Review article Clinical governance, ethics, confidentiality, security, privacy, legal, cost, data storage, record keeping, and infrastructure.
7. Kebijakan Pengembangan Tele-Medisin Di Indonesia Bernhard HS Jakarta, Indonesia, 2015 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. Review article Confidentiality, record keeping, data storage, clinical governance, ethics, legal issues, human resource, infrastructure, international service, spectrum of telemedicine services, and cost.
8. Peraturan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Nomor 74 Tahun 2020 Tentang Kewenangan Klinis dan Praktik Kedokteran Melalui Telemedicine Pada Masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) di Indonesia Supriyanto B. and Ekatjahjana W. Indonesian Medical Council Indonesia, 2020 Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of tele-consultation and tele-practice. Advisory guidelines Definitions, consent, clinical governance, ethics, confidentiality, record keeping, data storage in medical and health facilities (Fasyankes), imbursement, and prohibitions.
9. Permenkes No. 20 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelenggaraan Telemedicine antar Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Moeloek NF and Ekatjahjana W. Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia Indonesia, 2019 Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine services. Advisory guidelines List of definitions related to telemedicine, diagnostics, record keeping, infrastructure and Apps licensing, human resource, leadership, ethics, identification, consent, confidentiality, clinical governance, task of health-care facilities that provide telemedicine, cost, reimbursement, and funding regulation in Indonesia.
10. Peraturan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Nomor 8 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Yang Diedarkan Secara Daring Ministry of Health, Indonesia Indonesia, 2020 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of tele-pharmacy. Policy statement/guidelines Definition, privacy, confidentiality, consent, identification, clinical governance, ICT infrastructure, ethics, legal, licensing, and mHealth.
11. Kajian Tekno-Ekonomi pada Telehealth di Indonesia (Techno-Economic Study on Telehealth in Indonesia) Sri A and Kautsarina Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia, 2017 Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine. Review article Capital and operational expenditures of telehealth programs, definition, infrastructure, clinical governance, record keeping, and data storage.
12. Overview of Telemedicine Activities in Indonesia: progress and constraints Andriyan B. S., Sastro-kusumo U., Tati L.R. et al. Bandung, Indonesia, 2004 Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine. Review article History, present, and development of telemedicine in Indonesia, international service, and parties involved in telemedicine.
13. Surat Edaran Nomor HK.02.01/Menkes/303/2020 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Kesehatan Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Dalam Rangka Pengahan Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Ministry of Health, Indonesia Indonesia, 2020 Clinical, ethical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. Circular/guidelines Definitions, clinical governance, privacy, security, record keeping, infrastructure, ethics, and cost.
14. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 Concerning Electronic Information and Transactions Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik. Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Indonesia Indonesia, 2008 Legal, technical and operational aspects of information and electronic transactions. Act Definitions, governance, security, record keeping, storage, distribution, infrastructure, legal
15. Malaysian Medical Council Advisory on Virtual Consultation (during the Covid-19 pandemic) Malaysian Medical Council Malaysia, 2020 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. Advisory guidelines Definition of “virtual consultation” (telemedicine), ethics, patient and health-care practitioner identification, consent, ethics, clinical governance, and legal.
16. Telemedicine Flagship Application: Malaysia's Telemedicine Blueprint Leading Healthcare into the Information Age Ministry of Health, Malaysia Malaysia, 1997 Clinical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine. Policy statement List of definitions and applications of telemedicine, infrastructure, data storage, record-keeping, legal, and cost.
17. HIMS Blueprint – toward excellence in Health Information Management Health Informatics Center, Planning Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia Malaysia, 2013 Technical and operational aspects of telemedicine (Health Information Management and Support Services) in MoH and related agencies. Policy statement Confidentiality and privacy, security and data protection, consent, user access, role of stakeholders, infrastructure support, health informatics standards, capacity, and capability building.
18. Telemedicine Act 564 Ministry of Health, Malaysia Malaysia, 1997 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health practitioners. Act Definitions of telemedicine and health-care practitioners, confidentiality, identification, record keeping, data storage, international service, ethics, and legal issues.
19. Medical Device Act (737) 2012 Medical Device Authority, Malaysia Malaysia, 2012 Clinical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of medical devices. Act Definition and classification of medical device, therapeutic and diagnostic digital applications and data, clinical governance, licensing, maintenance, legal issues, and fees.
20. Medical Device Authority Act (738) 2012 Medical Device Authority, Malaysia Malaysia, 2012 Clinical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of control and regulation of all matters relating to the medical device, the industry, and its activities. Act Clinical governance, licensing, infrastructure, research, and training, legal and funding issues.
21. Laws of Malaysia Act 588 Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 Ministry of Multimedia and Communication, Malaysia Malaysia, 1998 Legal and technical aspects of information sharing on the internet. Act Governance, infrastructure, licensing, legal, and intellectual property.
22. eHealth Strategy, Ministry of Public Health (2017–2026) Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Thailand, 2017 Clinical, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and health innovation. Policy statement Definitions and benefits of eHealth; electronic health record and eHealth uptake; ICT and telemedicine infrastructure and readiness; and 5-year eHealth action plan compliant with the digital economy.
23. Ethics, social medical and e-health in Thailand Suttisak J. Thailand, 2015 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical, and operational aspects of telemedicine and social media. Literature review Definitions, social media Apps, privacy, security, confidentiality, identification, legal, ethics, record keeping, storage, clinical governance, infrastructure.
24. Regulating the management of Distance Medicine (Circular No. 49/2017/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2017 on telemedicine) Ministry of Health, Vietnam Vietnam, 2017 Clinical, ethical, legal, technical and operational aspects of distance medicine within Vietnam and Vietnamese medical facilities from abroad Circular/ guidelines Definition of “distant medicine” (telemedicine), confidentiality, ethics, data storage, clinical governance, licensing, infrastructure, cost, and international service. Distance medicine activities may only occur at licensed facilities; storage and compression of images must be on a 4 Mbps or faster line.