Screening TB patients for DM |
Screening can identify many people with undiagnosed or diagnosed but poorly managed DM in many LMIC
Blood glucose or HbA1c screening are not widely available in TB clinics in many LMIC; other screening tests are less accurate
Transient (inflammation-related) hyperglycaemia which may fall with TB treatment; patients with newly identified hyperglycaemia should be tested again later in treatment
Pathways for continued DM care at the end of TB treatment may be patchy and not always available, affordable, or high quality
Screening DM patients for TB |
Practical difficulties with testing in DM clinics (e.g., availability of sputum smear and culture, CXR)
Low yield, probably not cost-effective except if TB incidence very high
Screening DM patients for LTBI |
No direct evidence assessing risks, benefits or cost-effectiveness of screening and treating LTBI in DM patients at present
Expected difficulties with scale-up and quality control including exclusion of active TB disease