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. 2021 Jan 24;9(1):28. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy9010028

Table A2.

Modified rubric for suicidal case.

Item Action Full Marks (2) Partial Marks (1) NO Marks (0)
1 Approaches the consumer appropriately
  • Introduces self

  • Greets consumer

2 Provides a comfortable setting for the consumer to talk
  • Negotiates privacy

  • Ensures the consumer is comfortable

3 Listens and communicates non-judgmentally
  • Does not blame the consumer

  • Does not use words like “alcoholic”, “druggie”

  • Non-judgmental attitudes displayed

4 Asks appropriate open-ended questions
  • How can I help?

  • How long have you been feeling this way?

  • What type of support have you sought?

  • How are you coping?

  • Who have you spoken to about your emotions?

5 Asks if the consumer is having suicidal thoughts
• Asks directly (e.g., Are you thinking of killing yourself/ending your life/suicide?).
If the participant asks using indirect language, only, (e.g., harming/hurting yourself), then only give partial marks (1).
* Participant MUST assess for suicide risk to pass the case.
6 Asks appropriate follow-up questions in relation to consumer’s suicidal thoughts
  1. Do they have a plan? (e.g., how/when they will suicide)

  2. Have they attempted suicide before?

  3. Are they using alcohol/drugs?

Note: participants MUST enquire about a “plan”, otherwise “0” marks for this item.
If the participant asks about the plan, only, give one partial mark.
If the participant asks about the plan, and at least one other question, give the full two marks.
7 Gives reassurance and appropriate information
  • They care and want to help

  • Thoughts of suicide are often associated with treatable mental illness

  • Thoughts of suicide are common and do not have to be acted on

  • Mental illness is common

  • Effective psychological/pharmacological treatment for mental illness exists

8 Displays empathy
  • Uses empathetic language (e.g., “I can see that this is a difficult time for you”)

  • Does not use sympathetic language (e.g., “I feel sorry for you”)

  • Demonstrates continual willingness to help

9 Takes appropriate action
  1. Does not leave the consumer alone (e.g., connect with family member/friend to pick up, calls Mental Health Crisis Team/ambulance to pick up)

  2. Connects the consumer with appropriate professional help (e.g., Calling Mental Health Crisis Team/Ambulance, Lifeline/Suicide call back service or immediately see the doctor)

* Participant MUST do both of these actions to pass the case and receive full marks (2) for this item.
Additional examples of follow-up actions
  • Takes phone number to call for follow-up

  • Provides pharmacy number for consumer to call back

10 Good non-verbal communication
  • Open body language

  • Appropriate eye contact

  • Non-judgmental facial expressions

TOTAL (out of 20)