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. 2019 Jul 9;50(3):416–433. doi: 10.1044/2019_LSHSS-18-0093

Table 2.

Growing, Learning, and Living With Autism (GoriLLA) Group session sequence and content summary.

Session Session title Session content summary
Parent Session 1 Introduction to GoriLLA Group and Structured TEACCHing Presentation and parent discussion about the purpose of the GoriLLA Group, how groups will be structured, what a parent-assisted intervention means, and the objectives of the group.
Introduction to Structured TEACCHing and how environmental structure and visual supports will be used in sessions.
Parent Session 2 Introduction to Social Thinking and the Zones of Regulation Presentation and parent discussion of child social communication and self-regulation characteristics and how the group aims to address those issues.
Introduction to The Incredible Flexible You and Zones of Regulation curricula and vocabulary that will be used in the groups.
Parent–Child Session 1 Thinking Thoughts and Feeling Feelings Introductions and purpose of the GoriLLA Group
 • Introduce “expected and unexpected behaviors” (Kuypers, 2011, pp. 48–53) introduction, sorting expectations for the group using this vocabulary
 • Deep breathing and chair yoga introduction (adapted from Living Words of Wisdom, 2014)
Introduce “Thinking Thoughts and Feeling Feelings” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 49–70)
 • Read Book 1 with guided lesson plan (pp. 53–56)
 • Song “Where you think a thought” (p. 159)
 • “I’m thinking of” activity (adapted from pp. 56–57)
 • Block building dramatic play activity (pp. 58–59)
 • Social Smarts Booklet (adapted from Winner & Crooke, 2010)
 • Thinking Thoughts and Feeling Feelings review worksheet (adapted from Hendrix et al., 2013)
Prizes (behavioral reinforcement)
Parent–Child Session 2 Self-regulation and Me Chair yoga and deep breathing
Introduction to the Zones of Regulation (Kuypers, 2011, pp. 23–36)
 • Sort emotion face cards onto Zones poster (adapted from pp. 27–36)
Vocabulary review from previous week (“feed” vocabulary words written on bananas to a gorilla poster)
 • Read book The Way I Feel (Cain, 2005) with lesson based on Kuypers (2011) pp. 82–84
 • Play Twister with Zones of Regulation questions
 • Make stress balls (fill balloons with rice or flour)
 • Build LEGO creations while parents are coached using paper thought bubbles (visual support for thinking a thought) and pause card (visual support for stopping an activity and finishing it later)
 • Review “Get to Green GoriLLA Plan” (relaxation activity system with visuals that includes chair yoga, progressive relaxation, positive visualization, deep breathing, and stress balls) and practice with parent coaching
 • Introduce “Zones check-in” (adapted from Kuypers, 2011, pp. 99)
 • “Spotlight friend” (show and tell activity with children coached by parents to ask questions about another person’s interest or experience)
 • Prizes
Parent–Child Session 3a The Group Plan, Part 1 Introduce “The Group Plan” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 71–88)
 • Read Book 2 with guided lesson plan (p. 73–75)
 • Milk Pail Obstacle Course (p. 76)
 • Egg Pass (p. 77)
 • “Our family and the group plan” worksheet with parents adapted from The Group Plan concept
 • The Group Plan review worksheet adapted from Hendrix et al., 2013 materials
Parent–Child Session 4 The Group Plan, Part 2 Review “The Group Plan” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 71–88)
 • Plant a garden activity (follow the group plan for making tissue paper flowers and coloring in a garden for a group art project)
 • Make trail mix (adapted from p. 78)
 • Play Richard Scarry’s Busytown Game, practice following the group plan
 • Group plan review worksheet (adapted from Hendrix et al., 2013, content)
 • Good thoughts time (positive visualization time using thought bubbles, p. 65)
Parent–Child Session 5 Thinking With Your Eyes, Part 1 Introduce “Thinking With Your Eyes” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 89–107)
 • Read Book 3 with guided lesson plan (pp. 92–93)
 • Astronaut Dress Up (p. 95)
 • Space Walk (p. 96)
 • Practice following parent’s gaze using arrows as visual supports (adapted from p. 94)
 • Time to Relax book (clinic created visual supports for relaxation strategies)
Parent–Child Session 6 Thinking With Your Eyes, Part 2 Review “Thinking With Your Eyes” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 89–107)
 • Thinking With Your Eyes high fives (p. 95)
 • Thinking With Your Eyes music activity (p. 95)
 • Introduce SENSE (McAfee, 2002, pp. 102–108)
 • Video modeling (Cox and AFIRM team, 2018) conversations with SENSE
 • SENSE review worksheet (adapted from McAfee, 2002)
 • Time to Relax book
Parent–Child Session 7 Body in the Group, Part 1 Introduce “Body in the Group” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 109–123)
 • Read Book 4 with guided lesson plan (pp. 111–112)
 • Islands activity (pp. 113–114)
 • Obstacle course (pp. 114–115)
 • Review worksheet based on “Body in the Group” concept
Parent–Child Session 8 Body in the Group, Part 2 Review “Body in the Group” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 109–123)
 • Read “Personal Space Camp” (Cook, 2007)
 • Music activity (p. 113)
 • Trace and decorate bodies
 • Group walk to practice staying in the group
 • “Report to parents” review worksheet based on Body in the Group concept
Parent–Child Session 9 Whole Body Listening Introduce “Whole Body Listening” (Hendrix et al., 2013, pp. 125–139)
 • Read Book 5 with guided lesson plan (pp. 127–129)
 • Whole body listening poster activity
 • Zoo adventure (p. 131)
 • Music activity (p. 130)
 • Rhyming fill-in-the-blank worksheet based on Whole Body Listening concept
 • Review worksheet based on Whole Body Listening concept
Parent–Child Session 10 Putting It All Together Review games adapted to include group concepts and vocabulary
 • Headbanz
 • Jeopardy
 • Bingo
 • True or False hallway “trek”
Celebration and award ceremony

Starting with Session #3, all sessions begin with snack and arrival worksheet (e.g., word search of group concepts), Get to Green GoriLLA Plan, Zones Check-In, and vocabulary review. All sessions end with Get to Green GoriLLA Plan, Zones Check-In, Spotlight Friend, and Prizes. These activities are described where they are introduced in Sessions 1 and 2 above.