Engagement question |
Can you describe your overall experiences of your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Exploring questions |
Which were the most important learning experiences during your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Which factors facilitated your learning experiences during your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Which factors hindered your learning experiences during your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Could you acquire the requested competencies during your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Which competencies were difficult to achieve during your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Are there issues that would have improved your learning experiences during your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Exit questions |
Is there anything additional you would like to say about your learning experiences during your clinical placements in labor wards? |
Of all things discussed today, which do you think is the most important? |
Probes in order to minimize misunderstandings |
Can you please tell more about this? |
Help me understand what do you mean by that? |
Can you give an example of that? |
Can you tell me something else about that? |