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. 2021 Jan 12;14(1):42–52. doi: 10.14802/jmd.20079

Table 2.

Parkinson’s disease clinical characteristics

Variables Values
Age at diagnosis (years)* 58.8 [13.6, 24–88]
Parkinson’s disease duration (years)* 9.2 [6.5, 1–30]
Parkinson’s disease phenotype (%)*
 Tremor-dominant 30.1
 Postural instability and gait impairment 20.4
 Akinetic rigid 38.9
 Young onset (< 40 years) 10.7
 Late onset (> 60 years) 49.5
Disease complications (%)*
 Motor fluctuations 58.3
 Dyskinesia 58.3
 Wearing off 81.6
 Impulse control disorder 19.4
 REM sleep behavior disorder 48.5
 Mobility 35.7 (28.7)
 Activities of daily living 32.2 (24.1)
 Emotional well being 26.9 (22.4)
 Stigma 21.6 (22.9)
 Social support 14.3 (19.3)
 Cognitions 33.0 (22.6)
 Communication 30.7 (26.1)
 Bodily discomfort 39.7 (26.8)
 PDQ-39 summary index 29.2 (17.3)
Parkinson’s disease therapy (%)*
 Treatment-naïve 4.9
 Oral levodopa 89.3
 Dopamine agonist 35.0
 Monoamine oxidase B inhibitor 18.4
 Anticholinergic 12.6
 Catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitor 23.3
 Amantadine 12.6
 Levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel 8.7
 Deep brain stimulation 10.7
 Apomorphine (subcutaneous infusion) 6.8
Levodopa equivalent daily dose (mg)* 834.8 [527.3, 0–2186]
MDS UPDRS-III (‘on’ state)* 32.9 [17.7, 5–91]
Rehabilitation use in the last 12 months (%) 16.5
Gastrointestinal symptoms*
 Cleveland Constipation Score 7.2 (4.7)
 Rome-IV Criteria Constipation Score 4.4 (3.5)
 Functional constipation as per Rome-IV Criteria (%) 78.6
LDQ score* 8.3 (7.7)
 Most troublesome symptom (%)
  Indigestion 18.4
  Heartburn 7.8
  Regurgitation 6.8
  Belching 7.8
  Nausea 15.6
  Vomiting 1
  Excess fullness/bloating 20.4
  None 22.3
Chronic pain over the last 3 months (%)* 72.8
 Pain score (visual analogue scale) 4.9 (2.5)
IPAQ score (MET-minutes/week)* 1,823.6 (1,693.6)
 IPAQ categorical score (%)
  Low 35.2
  Moderate 37.9
  High 26.2
Depression characteristics
 BDI total score 11.9 (8.8)
 BDI categories (%)
  Minimal depression (0–13) 64.1
  Mild depression (14–19) 19.4
  Moderate depression (20–28) 10.7
  Severe depression (39–63) 5.8
  Clinically depressed (> 13 for Parkinson’s disease) 38.9
MDS total NMSS 62.7 (42.9)
 NMSS-cardiovascular 3.2 (3.5)
 NMSS-sleep and fatigue 11.6 (8.8)
 NMSS-mood and cognition 10.0 (11.9)
 NMSS-perceptual problems 2.7 (3.8)
 NMSS-attention and memory 6.2 (7.1)
 NMSS-gastrointestinal symptoms 6.1 (6.3)
 NMSS-urinary 8.8 (8.7)
 NMSS-sexual 5.4 (6.7)
 NMSS-miscellaneous 8.9 (7.5)
 NMSS-total score 62.7 (42.9)

Data are presented as mean [standard deviation, range] or mean (standard deviation) unless otherwise indicated.


these data are partially reproduced from the previous study. [16]

PDQ-39: Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire, MDS UPDRS-IIII: Movement Disorder Society–Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale–Part III, LDQ: Leeds Dyspepsia Questionnaire, IPAQ: International Physical Activity Questionnaire, MET: metabolic equivalent of task, BDI: Beck Depression Inventory, NMSS: Non-Motor Symptoms Scale.