Fig. 5. 3D Variability of the endoU Domain.
a 3D variability analysis28 of cryo-EM reconstructions of Nsp15 apo-states. Frame 1 (gray) and frame 20 (blue) of a 20-frame set describing the motion by the first eigenvector of the cryo-EM reconstructions. Black outlines demarcate the unique views of the endoU domains and dotted arrows demarcate regions of conformational heterogeneity. b Superposition of rigid-body docked models of the Nsp15 hexamer into the Apo Nsp15 H235A (dataset ii) reconstructions derived from 3D variability analysis. c View of the individual P1 protomer from (b) illustrating the conformational dynamics of the endoU domain. The linker between the endoU and MD is colored in gray.