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. 2021 Jan 14;11:590282. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.590282

Table 1.

QUAST statistics for genome assemblies of flax cultivar Atlant.

Feature Canu 2.0 contigs Canu 2.0 unitigs Flye 2.7 Shasta 0.5.0 wtdbg2 2.5
Total assembly length, Mb 361.7 393.9 346.1 290.8 212.2
Number of contigs 2458 4361 8278 5641 2306
Largest contig, Mb 5.0 1.7 3.3 2.0 3.0
GC, % 38.94 38.93 38.98 39.06 39.03
N50, kb 350 225 191 295 365
NG50, kb 412 286 222 264 117
N75, kb 154 84 51 142 112
NG75, kb 220 159 84 106
L50 261 472 368 278 141
LG50 201 319 295 323 397
L75 648 1191 1205 634 407
LG75 463 685 871 789

Key parameters are marked in bold. NG50/NG75 is the maximum length for which the subset of contigs of that length or longer covers at least 50%/75% of the reference genome (cultivar CDC Bethune, GenBank: GCA_000224295.2). LG50/LG75 is the number of contigs with a length equal to or greater than NG50/NG75, that is, the minimal number of contigs that cover 50%/75% of the reference genome. Unitigs are high-confidence contigs, according to Canu terminology.