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. 2020 Apr 8;55(3):144–154. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101154

Table 2.

Biomarkers reported as outcomes in 54 studies of adult sedentary behaviour interventions ≥7 days

Outcomes Studies Detail Quality factors
Body anthropometry 52
Body weight* 45 45 wt*, 39 body mass index BMI* Objective† / self-report: 44/1
Waist circumference* 37 37 circumference*, 2 waist:hip ratio Objective† / self-report: 36/1
Other body measurements 9 7 hip circumference, 1 neck circumference, 2 sagittal abdominal diameter
Body composition 25 BIA: 12
DXA: 5
BIS: 2
Skinfold(s): 2
Unreported: 1
 Total fat 25 20 percentage of body weight*, 11 mass*
 Total fat-free or lean 13 12 percentage of body weight, 1 mass*,
 Other 5 fat mass or % (4 truncal, 1 arm, 1 leg, 1 android %, 1 gynoid %); fat-free mass or % (1 arm, 1 leg); 1 skeletal muscle mass; 1 visceral fat area
Blood pressure (BP) regulation 37
Resting BP * 37 37 systolic*, 36 diastolic*, two mean arterial BP Objective† / self-report: 36/1
Ambulatory BP 0
Heart rate 5 3 resting, 2 non-resting Objective† / self-report: 5/0
Detailed vascular health measures 3 1 flow mediated dilation, 1 carotid intima media thickness, 1 aortic augmentation index, 1 subendocardial variability, 1 pulse wave velocity Objective† / self-report: 3/0
Glucose metabolism 31
Fasting glucose* 27 Venous / capillary: 20/7
Fasting insulin* 13
HOMA / HOMA-2 7 6 HOMA-IR, 2 HOMA-%B, 1 HOMA2-%B, 1 HOMA2-%S
Postprandial glucose / insulin 4 4 postprandial glucose, 1 postprandial insulin, 1 insulin AUC, 1 glucose AUC, 1 C-ISI Venous / capillary: 4/0
Duration: all 2 hours test
C-peptide 0
HbA1c* 17 15 HbA1c, 2 'estimated average glucose' reported as HbA1c Venous / capillary: 15/2
Lipid metabolism 33
Cholesterol levels or ratios 33 29 total*, 28 HDL*, 24 LDL*, 1 VLDL, 1 non-LDL, 5 total/HDL, 2 LDL/HDL Venous / capillary: 25/8
fasted / insufficient / non-fasted state: 25/1/7
Triglycerides* 32
Other 3 1 cholesterol diameter; 1 lipoprotein lipase; 3 apolipoproteins (APO): 3 APO-A1, 3 APO-B, 2 APO-A1/APO-B
Inflammation 4
C reactive protein (CRP) 4 2 CRP; two high-sensitivity CRP Venous / capillary: 4/0
fasted / insufficient / non-fasted state: 4/0/0
Other: TNF-α, IL-6 0

Data were extracted from the earlier paper related to this study Balducci 2017 when it was not reported in the 2019 paper (body fat percentage; fat-free mass; BMI; fasting insulin; HOMA).

*Outcome included in the meta-analyses: was reported in >5 of the 33 studies eligible for the effectiveness meta-analyses (had control arm, no additional relevant intervention provided apart from active behaviours).

†Measured objectively by research staff.

AUC, area under the curve; BADP, body air displacement plethysmography; BIA, multifrequency bioimpedance analysis; BIS, bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; BMI, body mass index; C-ISI, composite insulin sensitivity index; DXA, dual X-ray absorptiometry; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HOMA-2, revised homeostatic model assessment; HOMA, homeostatic model assessment; IL-6, interleukin 6; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α; VLDL, very-low-density lipoprotein.

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