Figure 1.
Percentage of people living with HIV who reported being told by their healthcare provider of ‘Undetectable=Untransmittable’, by selected characteristics, Positive Perspectives Study, 2019 (n=2389). Note: relationship status was assessed indirectly using a series of survey questions that asked participants with whom they had shared their HIV status. Those not in the relationship of interest selected ‘not applicable’. Separate assessments were done for partner/spouse/significant other (indicated here as ‘serious relationship’) versus other sexual partners (indicated here as ‘casual sex partners’). Those identifying they were in both relationships were classified as having multiple partners whereas those selecting ‘not applicable’ to both were classified as not being in any relationship. Because of skip patterns in the survey, data on relationship status could not be assessed for 302 individuals. The sum of men who have sex with men and men who have sex with women does not equal the total number of men because of individuals with missing/indeterminate information for sexual orientation; the same applies for women.