Molecular docking
of DDEB with HPA at Site 4. (A) and (C) Full
views and close-up views of HPA–DDEB binary and HPA–maltohexaose–DDEB
ternary complexes, respectively, showing H-bonds (beige dotted lines)
and pi–pi interactions (cyan dotted line). In full view, DDEB
is shown with CPK rendering and maltohexaose (in C) is shown as ball-and-stick
rendering with carbons (green), oxygens (red), and hydrogens (white).
HPA is rendered as solvent-accessible surface. The interactions of
HPA and DDEB in binary (B) and ternary (D) complexes identified using
LigPlot with H-bonds shown as green dotted lines and hydrophobic contacts
shown as spoked arcs.