Figure 8.
Rietveld refinements with X-ray diffraction patterns of SZN, measured with (a) the high-resolution MAD and (b) the 2D Perkin Elmer detector in high-resolution mode at a sample detector distance of 2513 mm. The diffraction data reveal one impurity phase: SrNb0.8Zr0.2O3 [4.52 (25)%]. The insets show magnifications of a range of individual reflections. Compared with STN, the asymmetry of the 004 reflection in inset (III) of the high-resolution MAD data is much less pronounced, which indicates only small amounts of stacking faults along 00l. Red dots indicate measured intensities, black lines indicate the calculated diffraction pattern from the structure model, blue lines indicate the difference between measured and calculated intensities, and green tick marks indicate reflection positions of the respective phases. λ = 0.2074426 (4) Å.