Table A5:
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | |
VARIABLES | School Problems Index |
Absences | Ever Suspended from |
Trouble with School |
Trouble paying Attention |
Trouble with Homework |
Trouble with Students |
Male | 0.263*** (0.0384) |
0.191 (0.229) |
0.136*** (0.0140) |
0.246*** (0.0376) |
0.121*** (0.0369) |
0.196*** (0.0450) |
0.154*** (0.0341) |
Male*No Father | 0.179** (0.0787) |
1.017 (0.638) |
0.0741*** (0.0263) |
0.0779 (0.0688) |
(0.0790) |
0.139 (0.0842) |
−0.0190 (0.0653) |
Male*Other Father | 0.0466 (0.0884) |
0.226 (0.443) |
0.0682* (0.0368) |
−0.0158 (0.0920) |
0.144 (0.0972) |
−0.0212 (0.119) |
−0.139 (0.0976) |
No Father | 0.175*** (0.0569) |
0.856** (0.404) |
0.102*** (0.0191) |
0.0956* (0.0500) |
0.107* (0.0555) |
(0.0537) |
0.0931 (0.0581) |
Other Father | 0.146** (0.0702) |
0.242 (0.355) |
0.0366* (0.0191) |
0.0395 (0.0658) |
0.0598 (0.0674) |
0.192** (0.0932) |
0.141** (0.0638) |
Constant | −0.999*** (0.353) |
−12.87*** (2.082) |
−0.505*** (0.143) |
2.116*** (0.268) |
−0.375 (0.326) |
−0.420 (0.343) |
2.411*** (0.302) |
Observations | 7,203 | 7,205 | 7,325 | 7,210 | 7,209 | 7,209 | 7,210 |
R-squared | 0.050 | 0.049 | 0.120 | 0.034 | 0.030 | 0.029 | 0.022 |
Mean of dependent variable | 0.000 | 1.686 | 0.207 | 0.862 | 1.313 | 1.220 | 0.883 |
Mother’s characteristics | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered by school.
p<0.1. “No Father” and “Other Father” refer to living arrangements at Wave I. “School problems” is a standardized index based on factor analysis of the other variables in this table. “Absences” is student-reported absences without excuse in past year, “trouble” variables from student-reported experiences from 0=never to 4=every day. Mothers characteristics include education and dummies for foreign-born and young mother (under 22). All models include birth cohort. All models are weighted by Wave I weights.