Figure 3.
P2RY1 mediates supporting cell spontaneous currents in the cochlea throughout the prehearing period. A, Spontaneous inward currents recorded from ISCs (E16: middle, P0-P11: apical) before and during application of MRS2500 (1 μm) at different developmental ages. Recordings were made at near physiological temperature (32°C-34°C). Box in P0 recording is expanded vertically below the recording. B, Quantification of ISC spontaneous current frequency, amplitude, and integral (charge transfer) before and after application of MRS2500. n = 7 E16-17 ISCs, 7 cochleae from 7 mice, n = 13 P0-2 ISCs (n = 11 apical in gray, n = 2 basal in dark red), 11 cochleae from 8 mice, n = 8 P7-8 ISCs, 8 cochleae from 8 mice, and n = 11 cochleae from 8 mice. ***p < 5e-4; **p < 0.005; *p < 0.05; Student's paired t test with Bonferroni correction.