Structure | Example |
Propositional clause | They think it's cold out. |
Passive voice | The baby is picked up. |
Relative clause | The boy who wears a bow tie looks smart. |
Reflexive pronoun | She hugs herself. |
Wh-clause | Tell me where you were yesterday. |
Infinitive (two subjects) | I want you to leave. |
Copula BE | She is sad. |
Embedded clause | After I came home, I washed my hands. |
Wh-question | What's your name? |
Past tense copula BE | She was hungry. |
Third-person singular –s | He jumps. |
Irregular past tense | They drank milk. |
Infinitive | They want to play video games. |
Direct/indirect object | Give your money to the poor. |
Participle | I hear a baby crying. |
Y/N interrogative | Are you going to the party? |
Conjunction “because” | They are tired because they stayed up late last night. |
Conjunction “and” | Mom is cooking and Dad is watching TV. |
Future modal “will” | He will jump. |
Possessive 's | Mike's skateboard is cool. |
Negative | I don't like it. |
Past tense –ed | He jumped. |
Progressive –ing | He is jumping. |
Prepositional phrase | The ball is on the table. |
Plural –s | There are three apples. |
Possessive pronoun | Her dress is pretty. |
Note. Y/N = yes/no.