Fig 1. The B cell profiles of convalescent plasma donors were diverse.
(A) Representative flow plots of live, singlet, CD19+ lymphocytes demonstrating 5 primary B cell subsets in one healthy and 4 convalescent subjects. (B-I) Histograms of healthy and convalescent donor frequencies of (B) total CD19+ B cells, and (C) naïve & transitional type 3, (D) memory, (E) transitional type 1 and 2, (F) plasmablast (G) IgM+ memory, (H) switched Memory, and (I) activated naïve/memory subsets among viable CD19+ lymphocytes. Bars represent mean +/- SD. Statistical analysis between each donor subgroup was done with non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s correction for multiple comparisons. Adjusted p value was used to determine family-wise significance at alpha = 0.05. Healthy control and total convalescent groups also compared by Mann-Whitney test with two-tailed p value, alpha = 0.05. Healthy control n = 24, conv. total n = 40, asymp. n = 5, conv. early n = 12, conv. mid n = 6, conv. late n = 17, except for (E) and (F), where 1 and 2 healthy control statistical outliers were omitted, respectively.