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. 2021 Jan 13:1–10. doi: 10.1017/S0033291721000039

Table 1.

Characteristics of the sample (N = 71, 117)

Characteristic Category n/N (%) or Mean (s.d.)*
Age (years) Mean (s.d.) 49.1 (14.9)*
18–24 2872 (4.0)
25–34 10858 (15.3)
35–44 14 521 (20.4)
45–54 15 602 (21.9)
55–64 14 426 (20.3)
65–74 10 230 (14.4)
⩾75 2608 (3.7)
Gender Female 53 026 (74.6)
Male 17 756 (25.0)
Other / prefer not to say 335 (0.5)
Ethnicity White 66 673 (93.8)
Other 4179 (5.9)
Missing 265 (0.4)
Educational level Lower secondary 10 576 (14.9)
Higher secondary 12 889 (18.1)
Graduate 47 652 (67.0)
Living situation Lives alone 12 735 (17.9)
Lives with others 58 382 (82.1)
Marital status Cohabiting with partner/spouse 44 863 (63.1)
Living apart from partner/spouse 4903 (6.9)
Divorced/widowed 8973 (12.6)
Single, never married 12 378 (17.4)
Employment In employment 46 333 (65.2)
Retired/not working 24 784 (34.8)
Household income <£ 30 000 25 141 (35.4)
⩾£ 30 000 39 422 (55.4)
Prefer not to say 6554 (9.2)
Usual social contact Less than once weekly 21 171 (29.8)
Once or twice per week 24 239 (34.1)
Three or more per week 25 428 (35.8)
Missing 279 (0.4)
Mean interpersonal reactivity index scores Empathic concern (n = 29 437) 4.0 (0.7)*
Perspective taking (n = 29 573) 3.7 (0.7)*

s.d., standard deviation. Most of the values in the third column are n (%) but the ones with an asterisk, such as 'age' are mean (SD).