A summary of the effects of drought stress on key physiological root traits in potato and the range of methodologies by which these variables were manipulated.
References | Albiski et al., 2012 | Anithakumari et al., 2011 | Haverkort et al., 1990 | Lahlou and Ledent, 2005 | Mane et al., 2008 | Tourneux et al., 2003 |
Observations | Decreased root length. | Increased root dry mass. | Decreased stolon number. | Increased root depth, increased root dry mass (Remarka, Nicola and Monalisa), decreased root dry mass (Désirée), increased stolon number. | Decrease root dry mass (Ccompis), no effect on root dry mass (Sulla). | Increased root dry mass. |
Cultivar | SY-C.1, SY-C.2, SY-C.3, SY-C.14, SY-C.28, SY-C.29, SY-C.31, SY-C.46, SY-C.52, SY-C.53, SY-C.54, SY-C.55, SY-C.56, SY-C.57, SY-C.58, SY-C.59, SY-C.60, SY-C.61 | A random subset of the C × E diploid potato mapping population. | Radosa, Bintje. | Remarka, Dérirée (field and greenhouse); Nicola, Monalisa (field only). | Sullu (subsp. andigenum), Ccompis (subsp. andigenum). | Alpha, Waycha (subsp. andigenum), Luky (subsp. andigenum), Ajahuiri (Solanum ajanhuiri), Janko Choquepito (Solanum curtilobum), CIP 382171.10 (subsp. tuberosum × subsp. andigenum). |
Culture method | In vitro | In vitro | Field and Pots. | Field (Remarka, Désirée, Nicola and Monalisa) Pots (Remarka and Désirée). | Field | Pots |
Drought conditions | Six variations of growth media containing 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10% (w:v) sorbitol to create graduated water potentials between -0.58 MPa (least sever water stress) to −2.5 MPa (most severe water stress). | Water potential of growth media lowered to −0.7 MPa by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) for 7 weeks. 3 of 7 replicates were then allowed to recover for 4 weeks. | Irrigated to field capacity when soil moisture exceeded 100 kPa. | Rainfed in the field. Irrigated to field capacity when soil moisture dropped below −0.8 MPa in the pots. | Irrigated as controls until 45 days after planting when irrigation was completely suspended for 59 days (unclear if drought was terminal or intermittent). | Plants irrigated as controls until being subjected to either intermittent drought (gradual decline in water supply for 5 weeks, and 1 week with no water supply followed by full restoration of water supply) or terminal drought (same as intermittent drought but with no restoration of water supply) at tuberization. |
Control | Plants were grown in the same growth media in the absence of PEG. Water potential unclear. | Irrigated to maintain soil moisture levels at “near field capacity” constantly. | Irrigated with 20 mm five times throughout the season in the field. Irrigated to field capacity when soil moisture dropped below −0.3 MPa in the pots. | Irrigated to maintain soil moisture between 0 and −0.02 MPa. | Irrigated to field capacity twice per week. |