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. 2020 Dec 10:1–11. doi: 10.1017/S0033291720005164

Table 1.

Agreement with coronavirus conspiracy statements (%)

Positive skew (Freeman) Balanced with DK excludeda Balanced with DK (best practice)b Negative skewc
Coronavirus is a bioweapon developed by China to destroy the West 47.8 36.6 31.7 13.2
Muslims are spreading the virus as an attack on Western values 22.8 14.2 13.4 5.7
Lockdown is a plot by environmental activists to control the rest of us 25.9 18.1 17.2 6.2
The coronavirus vaccine will contain microchips to control the people 27.2 18.9 17.1 8.9
The United Nations (UN) and World Health Organisation (WHO) have manufactured the virus to take global control 31.1 20.4 18.8 6.9
Jews have created the virus to collapse the economy for financial gain 17.8 11.2 10.6 4.1

Confirming Hypothesis 3, for all items the % falls between the negative skew % and positive skew %; all differences with negative skew statistically significant at 0.001 level and all differences with positive skew statistically significant at 0.001.


Confirming Hypothesis 2, for all items the % is lower than the % in the positive skew column at 0.001 level of statistical significance.


Confirming Hypothesis 1, for all items the % is lower than the % in the positive skew column at 0.001 level of statistical significance.