Figure 1.
Heterogeneous expression of multi-gene construct. (A) Schematic showing our multi-gene construct design in which expression of four genes (PuromycinR, mNeonGreen-NLS, mRuby3-NLS, and ZeocinR) is constitutively driven by independent CAG promoters. Genes are flanked by CTCF insulators (orange) and WPRE-bGHpolyA (pA) sequences. The multi-gene transcripts are then flanked by 5′ and 3′ homology arms (HA) directing insertion into the AAVS1 loci. (B) Fluorescent imaging representative of the four stable and distinct phenotypic populations observed after undergoing multiple rounds of puromycin selection at 14 days post-transfection. DN Double negative, G mNeonGreen-NLS only, R mRuby3-NLS only, DP Double Positive.