Fig. 3. ΡΙΕΖΟ2 is not required for pressure sensation.
a Two-point discrimination task performed on the thenar eminence of the palm (glabrous skin). Participants with ΡΙΕΖΟ2 Deficiency Syndrome (ΡΙΕΖΟ2 LOF; N = 7) were unable to perform the test at or below cutoff of 20 mm whereas age- and gender-matched controls (N = 11) had normal discrimination limits (one-sided permutation test **p ≤ 0.001). Bars display median ratings and interquartile intervals. b Pressure algometer task as described in Fig. 2h legend. There was no difference between ΡΙΕΖΟ2 LOF participants (N = 7) and controls (N = 13) (one-sided permutation test p = 0.13). Bars display median ratings and interquartile intervals. c Intensity of the compression sleeve oscillating between 10 and 30 mmHg (low) or 15 and 65 mmHg (high) was rated on a VAS scale (no sensation = 0; pain threshold = 50). Both ΡΙΕΖΟ2 LOF participants (N = 6) and healthy controls (N = 8) identified changes in pressure as obvious but innocuous. Patient ratings did not differ significantly from controls (low pressure one-sided permutation test p = 0.45; high pressure one-sided permutation test p = 0.68). Bars display median ratings and interquartile intervals. d Two-alternative forced choice discrimination task between pressure pulses differing by 30 or 90 mmHg using the leg compression sleeve (Fig. 2b). Both ΡΙΕΖΟ2 LOF participants (N = 5) and healthy controls (N = 8) were able to distinguish differences of 30 mmHg with nearly 100% accuracy (one-sided permutation test p = 0.69). One patient was omitted from the 30 mmHg task due to experimenter error, but detected a 15 mmHg difference above chance. N = 2 patients and N = 4 controls were also tested on 90 mmHg and all displayed 100% accuracy. Bars display median ratings and interquartile intervals.