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. 2021 Jan 15;8:619261. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.619261

Table 1.

Comparison of Pre- and Post-Campaign Respondents by Demographics.

Baseline Follow-up
Number of respondents % Number of respondents % P-value for significance of differencea
(n = 400) (n = 403)
<35 12 3.0 13 3.2 0.66
35–44 150 37.5 137 34.0
45–55 218 54.5 227 56.3
56+ 20 5.0 26 6.5
Male 189 47.3 195 48.4 0.75
Female 211 52.8 208 51.6
Level of formal education
No high school or G.E.D. 35 8.8 68 16.9 0.001
High school graduate or G.E.D. 173 43.5 175 43.4
Any college or graduate school 190 47.7 160 39.7
Country of birth
United States 386 96.5 395 98.0 0.19
Another Country 14 3.5 8 2.0
Household composition
Lives alone 135 33.8 136 33.8 0.98
Lives with others 265 66.3 266 66.2
Current employment status
Working 234 58.5 200 49.6 0.01
Not working 166 41.5 203 50.4
Self-described race
Black or African American 365 91.3 370 91.8 0.34
Other Race (refusals, human race) 35 8.8 33 8.2
Hispanic ethnicity
Yes 30 7.5 15 3.7 0.02
No 369 92.3 387 96.3
Ever told had hypertension
Yes 195 48.8 198 49.1 0.91
No 205 51.3 205 50.9
Mean body sizeb (mean and standard deviation)
Overall 5.80 1.67 5.33 1.63 <0.001
Male 5.24 1.68 4.91 1.73 0.05
Female 6.30 1.49 5.72 1.44 <0.001

statistical significance based on Chi Square statistic for all variables, except for Mean Body Size, which is based on T-Test.


interviewer rating of body size, from 1 (very thin) to 10 (very heavy), using the Stunkard et al. (17) Visual Rating Scale.

At follow-up, 1 respondent did not answer household composition, and 2 respondents were not assessed for body size.