Smoking behavior |
Binary variable: 1 = current smoker (sometimes–more than two packs a day) and 0 = non-smokers (do not smoke at all, quit, or hardly smoke) |
Financial literacy |
Continuous variable: number of correct answers from three financial literacy questions |
Financial education |
Binary variable: 1 = received compulsory financial education at school and 0 = otherwise |
Male |
Binary variable: 1 = male and 0 = female |
Age |
Respondent's age |
Age squared |
Age squared |
University degree |
Binary variable: 1 = obtained university degree and 0 = otherwise |
Marriage |
Binary variable: 1 = married and 0 = otherwise |
Divorce |
Binary variable: 1 = divorced or separated and 0 = otherwise |
Household members |
Continuous variable: number of people currently living in household |
Children |
Binary variable: 1 = have child/children and 0 = otherwise |
Unemployed |
Binary variable: 1 = respondent is unemployed and 0 = otherwise |
Household income |
Continuous variable: annual earned income before taxes and with bonuses of the entire household in 2009 (unit: JPY) |
Log of household income |
Log (household income) |
Household assets |
Continuous variable: balance of financial assets (savings, stock, insurance, etc.) of the entire household (unit: JPY) |
Log of household assets |
Log (household assets) |
Regular exercise |
Binary variable: 1 = regular exercise (exercise once a week or more) and 0 = otherwise |
Current drinker |
Binary variable: 1 = current drinker (drink sometimes–five cans of beer daily) and 0 = otherwise |
Frequent gambler |
Binary variable: 1 = frequent gambler (gamble once a week or more) and 0 = otherwise |
Myopic view of the future |
Binary variable: 1 = agree and completely agree with the statement “Since the future is uncertain, it is a waste to think about it” and 0 = otherwise |
Level of risk preference |
Continuous variable: percentage score from the question “Usually, when you go outdoors, how high does the probability of rain have to be before you take an umbrella?” |
Current level of happiness |
Continuous variable: percentage score from the question “Overall, how happy would you say you are currently?” |
Anxiety about health |
Binary variable: 1 = agree and completely agree with the statement “I have anxieties about my health” and 0 = otherwise |