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. 2021 Jan 15;8:612976. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.612976

Table 1.

Variable definitions.

Variables Definitions
Smoking behavior Binary variable: 1 = current smoker (sometimes–more than two packs a day) and 0 = non-smokers (do not smoke at all, quit, or hardly smoke)
Financial literacy Continuous variable: number of correct answers from three financial literacy questions
Financial education Binary variable: 1 = received compulsory financial education at school and 0 = otherwise
Male Binary variable: 1 = male and 0 = female
Age Respondent's age
Age squared Age squared
University degree Binary variable: 1 = obtained university degree and 0 = otherwise
Marriage Binary variable: 1 = married and 0 = otherwise
Divorce Binary variable: 1 = divorced or separated and 0 = otherwise
Household members Continuous variable: number of people currently living in household
Children Binary variable: 1 = have child/children and 0 = otherwise
Unemployed Binary variable: 1 = respondent is unemployed and 0 = otherwise
Household income Continuous variable: annual earned income before taxes and with bonuses of the entire household in 2009 (unit: JPY)
Log of household income Log (household income)
Household assets Continuous variable: balance of financial assets (savings, stock, insurance, etc.) of the entire household (unit: JPY)
Log of household assets Log (household assets)
Regular exercise Binary variable: 1 = regular exercise (exercise once a week or more) and 0 = otherwise
Current drinker Binary variable: 1 = current drinker (drink sometimes–five cans of beer daily) and 0 = otherwise
Frequent gambler Binary variable: 1 = frequent gambler (gamble once a week or more) and 0 = otherwise
Myopic view of the future Binary variable: 1 = agree and completely agree with the statement “Since the future is uncertain, it is a waste to think about it” and 0 = otherwise
Level of risk preference Continuous variable: percentage score from the question “Usually, when you go outdoors, how high does the probability of rain have to be before you take an umbrella?”
Current level of happiness Continuous variable: percentage score from the question “Overall, how happy would you say you are currently?”
Anxiety about health Binary variable: 1 = agree and completely agree with the statement “I have anxieties about my health” and 0 = otherwise