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. 2021 Jan;10(1):483–493. doi: 10.21037/tau-20-1009

Table 1. Characteristics of patients in the studies included.

References (year) Country Design FURS Cases (M/F), n Age (years) BMI Stone size (mm) Scores
Single-use Reusable Single-use Reusable Single-use Reusable Single-use Reusable Single-use Reusable
Kam [2019] Australia Prospective, single-center, cross-sectional Lithovue URF-V2 (41/14) 55 (39/25) 64 53.5 (46.2–60.7) 53.3 (47.6–59.0) NR NR 14.7 (112–18.1) 13.3 (11.0–15.6) 6 (NOS)
PU3022A URF-V2 (21/10) 31 (39/25) 64 54.1 (46.0–62.2) 53.3 (47.6–59.0) NR NR 12.8 (9.7–15.9) 13.3 (11.0–15.6)
Qi [2019] China RCT Zebrascope URF-V (46/17) 63 (45/18) 63 51.84±13.16 53.25±12.11 26.07±4.55 25.84±3.56 NR NR 6 (Jadad)
Mager [2018] Germany Cohort Lithovue Flex-x2s/Flex-xc (48/20) 68 (43/25) 68 54±17 59±16 NR NR NR NR 6 (NOS)
Usawachintachit [2017] American Case control Lithovue URF-P6 (61/54) 115 (31/35) 65 55.8±15.1 50.5±12.6 29.1±8.6 30.6±9.6 14.7±9.9 16.3±12.2 7 (NOS)
Ding Jie [2015] China RCT Polyscope URF-V2 (102/78) 180 (107/73) 180 50.5±12.8 51.1±13.7 NR NR NR NR 5 (Jadad)

FURS, flexible ureteroscope; M/F, male/female; BMI, body mass index; NR, not reported; RCT, randomized controlled trial; NOS, the Newcastel-Ottawa Scale.