CircANKIB1 acted as a sponge of miR-217 in OS cells. (A) The predicted binding sites for circANKIB1 and miR-217 were presented. (B and C) The luciferase activity in U2OS and HOS cells co-transfected with WT-circANKIB1 or MUT-circANKIB1 and miR-217 mimic or miR-NC mimic was measured by dual-luciferase reporter assay. (D) The expression of circANKIB1 was determined by qRT-PCR in U2OS and HOS cells transfected with oe-NC or oe-circANKIB1. (E) The expression of miR-217 was examined by qRT-PCR in U2OS and HOS cells transfected with oe-NC, oe-circANKIB1, si-NC, or si-circANKIB1. (F and G) The abundance of miR-217 was examined by qRT-PCR in OS tissues, adjacent normal tissues, OS cells (U2OS and HOS), and hFOB cells. (H) The correlation between miR-217 and circANKIB1 expression was analyzed in OS tissues. *P < 0.05.