Table 2.
Clinical variable | Measurement interview/self-report |
t1 Baseline |
t2 Post-treatment 6 months |
t3 Follow-up 12 months |
Childhood trauma | CTQ | x | ||
PTSD | EGEP-5 | x | x | x |
Life events | The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory | x | ||
Trauma impact | IES-R | x | x | x |
Distress associated to event | SUD | x | x | x |
Dissociation | DES | x | x | x |
Somatoform dissociation | SDQ-20 | x | x | x |
CTQ Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, EGEP-5 Global Evaluation of Post-Traumatic Stress, IES-R Impact Event Scale-Revised, SUD Subjective Units of Distress, DES Dissociative Experiences Scale, SDQ-20 Somatoform Dissociation Scale