FIG 3.
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of 3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratases/crotonyl-CoA hydratases. Msed_2001, Nmar_1308, and Slip_2089 are marked with *. Bacterial sequences are shown in green, euryarchaeal in black, the sequences of ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota in red, and sequences of non-ammonia-oxidizing (non-AOA) Thaumarchaeota in blue. The scale bar represents a difference of 0.2 substitutions per site. The percentage bootstrap values for the clade of this group were calculated in 1,000 replications. Only values above 70% are shown (shown as ●). The accession numbers are listed in Table S3. The tree constructed by maximum-parsimony algorithm (data not shown) was similar with minor exceptions.