Effect of adding far-red radiation (FR) on top of red and blue at three planting densities. Percentages are the RB + FR increment on top of RB. Abbreviations within schemes are as follows: FWleaf, leaf fresh weight; DWleaf, leaf dry weight; FWleaf/DWleaf, leaf fresh/dry weight ratio; DWplant, plant total dry weight; Leaf:Plant, ratio of leaf dry weight in total plant; LUEint, intercepted light use efficiency; Iint, canopy-intercepted photosynthetic photon flux density; , plant leaf area; , projected leaf area and leaf area ratio; , specific leaf area; , leaf weight. The , , , and are all averaged values over 14, 21, and 28 days after transplanting (DAT) representing cumulative values during the whole cultivating period (0–28 DAT). ∗P < 0.10, ∗∗P < 0.05, and ∗∗∗P < 0.01. Data are means of two (n = 2) or three blocks (n = 3) each with four–six replicate plants.