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. 2021 Jan 29;16(1):e0245135. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245135

Table 1. The effects of social capital on infections and the spread of COVID-19.

Dep. var. = log(Number of Cases) log(Number of Deaths) Weekly Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Social capital (z-score) -.592*** -.178*** -.125*** -.324*** -.057** .029 -.050*** -.030
[.029] [.031] [.038] [.020] [.023] [.027] [.013] [.019]
log(Population Density) .702*** .744*** .430*** .453*** .095***
[.031] [.041] [.020] [.026] [.013]
Age Under 18, % 5.588*** 5.228*** 4.848*** 2.113 3.692***
[1.693] [1.572] [1.399] [1.315] [1.091]
Age 18–24, % 1.241 1.932 -1.327 -1.606 .493
[1.547] [1.411] [1.319] [1.177] [.965]
Age 35–64, % 1.699 1.915 .940 .589 .115
[1.518] [1.405] [1.240] [1.094] [.924]
Age 65+, % 1.356 -.343 3.478*** 1.490 2.202***
[1.305] [1.211] [1.081] [.992] [.839]
White, % -1.026** -.630 -1.369*** -1.309*** -.189
[.400] [.506] [.272] [.310] [.182]
Black, % .244 .526 -.269 .150 -.008
[.383] [.435] [.270] [.290] [.191]
Less than High School, % 3.224*** 3.056*** .662* 2.024*** -.141
[.519] [.639] [.370] [.442] [.337]
Some College, % 1.362*** -.279 -.095 .011 -.347
[.426] [.582] [.338] [.436] [.279]
College, % 5.415*** 3.026*** 3.052*** 2.270*** 1.389***
[.676] [.815] [.558] [.624] [.422]
Post-graduate, % 2.561** 2.254 2.866*** 2.071** -.174
[1.151] [1.452] [.936] [1.004] [.583]
Male, % .561 -.519 .921 -1.220* 1.246*
[1.045] [.951] [.766] [.722] [.662]
Married, % -3.313*** -1.552** -2.568*** -1.142*** -1.352***
[.519] [.615] [.388] [.408] [.351]
Poverty rate under 18, % .098 .376 .047 .161 -.281
[.369] [.346] [.257] [.243] [.239]
Poverty rate 18–64, % -4.050*** -3.195*** -2.546*** -1.708*** -1.023**
[.580] [.550] [.416] [.390] [.398]
Poverty rate 65+, % -.558 -1.314* .950* .356 .417
[.794] [.754] [.517] [.501] [.360]
R-squared .06 .35 .82 .05 .38 .65 .00 .02
Sample Size 437166 437017 436868 437166 437017 436868 249298 249210
Controls No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
State x Day FE No No Yes No No Yes No No

Notes.–Sources: Joint Economic Committee, Census Bureau, and Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Tracker, March—July 2020. The table reports the coefficients associated with regressions of daily county logged number of cases, logged number of deaths, and the week-to-week growth rate averaged within each month of the number of cases on a standardized x-score of county social capital, conditional on county demographic controls, which include: logged population density, the age distribution (normalized to the share of individuals between ages 25 and 34), the education distribution (normalized to the share of individuals with a high school degree), the share of males, and the share of married households. Standard errors are clustered at the county-level.