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. 2018 Jun 27;2:6. doi: 10.18332/ejm/92529

Table 1.

Search strategies

Database Search Limits
CINAHL ((MH ‘Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Students, Nurse Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Students, Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Education, Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Research, Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Nurse-Midwifery Service’) OR (MH ‘Education, Nurse Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Royal College of Midwives’) OR (MH ‘Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council’) OR (MH ‘Nursing and Midwifery Council’) OR (MH ‘Nurse Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Midwifery Service’) OR (MH ‘English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting’))
((MH ‘Accountability’) OR (MH ‘Competence (Legal)’) OR (MH ‘Liability, Legal’) OR (MH ‘Evidence, Legal’) OR (MH ‘Negligence’) OR (MH ‘Empowerment’) OR (MH ‘Powerlessness’) OR (MH ‘ Referral and Consultation’) OR TI ( abdicat* OR responsib* OR accountab* OR negligen* OR liab* OR empower* OR disempower* OR powerless* OR refer* OR consult*) OR AB ( abdicat* OR responsib* OR accountab* OR negligen* OR liab* OR empower* OR disempower* OR powerless* OR refer* OR consult*)
Limiters - Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals; Published Date: 2005-2017; English Language; Publication Type: Abstract, Book, Book Chapter, Brief Item, Case Study, Doctoral Dissertation, Editorial, Interview, Journal Article, Legal Case, Masters Thesis, Meta Analysis, Meta Synthesis, Nurse Practice Acts, Practice Guidelines, Research, Review, Standards, Systematic Review
Medline ((MH ‘Midwifery’) OR (MH ‘Nurse Midwives’))
((MH ‘Social Responsibility’) OR (MH ‘Liability, Legal’) OR (MH ‘Legal Cases’) OR (MH ‘Jurisprudence’) OR (MH ‘Malpractice’) OR (MH ‘Defensive Medicine’) OR (MH ‘Power (Psychology)’) OR (MH ‘Referral and Consultation’))OR AB ( abdicat* OR responsib* OR accountab* OR negligen* OR liab* OR empower* OR disempower* OR powerless* OR refer* OR consult*) OR TI ( abdicat* OR responsib* OR accountab* OR negligen* OR liab* OR empower* OR disempower* OR powerless* OR refer* OR consult*))
Limiters - Date of Publication: 2005-2017; English Language; Publication Type: Case Reports, Comment, Comparative Study, Editorial, Evaluation Studies, Government Publications, Guideline, Interview, Introductory Journal Article, Journal Article, Legal Cases, Legislation, Meta-Analysis, Multicenter Study, Practice Guideline, Review.
Scopus (TITLE-ABS-KEY ( midwi*)
TITLE-ABS-KEY (abdicat* OR responsib*) OR accountab* OR negligen* OR liab* OR empower* OR disempower* OR powerless* OR refer* OR consult* ))
Limited by date 2005-2017; English language