a Parameters for mitochondrial activity and cellular energy status analyzed after control or FANCD2 siRNA transfection. n = 3 independent experiments. **p = 0.0015 (CI–CIII activity); ***p = 0.0004 (oxygen consumption); **p = 0.0017 (ATP synthesis); **p = 0.008 (ATP/AMP ratio). b RT-qPCR-based analysis of CFS gene expression in cells after control or FANCD2 siRNA transfection and treated or not with 20 mM NaN3 for 10 h. n = 5 (FHIT), n = 4 (WWOX), n = 3 (IMMP2L), n = 4 (PARK2) independent experiments. **p = 0.0017 (FHIT_siFANCD2), **p = 0.0052 (FHIT_siLacZ_NaN3), *p = 0.0491 (FHIT_siFANCD2_NaN3 vs. FHIT_siFANCD2), *p = 0.0288 (WWOX_siFANCD2), **p = 0.006 (WWOX_siLacZ_NaN3), ***p = 0.0002 (WWOX_siFANCD2_NaN3), ***p = 0.0005 (WWOX_siFANCD2_NaN3 vs. siFANCD2), **p = 0.0091 (IMMP2L_siFANCD2), *p = 0.0464 (IMMP2L_siLacZ_NaN3), **p = 0.0047 (PARK2_siFANCD2), ***p = 0.0002 (PARK2_siLacZ_NaN3), *p = 0.0184 (PARK2_siFANCD2_NaN3 vs. PARK2_siFANCD2). c RT-qPCR analysis of CFS gene expression after control or FANCD2 siRNA transfection of cells maintained at 20% or 3% oxygen. n = 5 (FHIT), n = 5 (WWOX), n = 3 (IMMP2L), n = 5 (PARK2) independent experiments. ****p < 0.0001 (FHIT_siFANCD2_20%), **p = 0.0019 (FHIT_siFANCD2_3%), *p = 0.011 (FHIT_siFANCD2_3% vs. FHIT_siFANCD2_20%), **p = 0.0013 (WWOX_siFANCD2_20%), ****p < 0.0001 (WWOX_siLacZ_3%), ****p < 0.0001 (WWOX_siFANCD2_3%), ****p < 0.0001 (WWOX_siFANCD2_3% vs. WWOX_siFANCD2_20%), ****p < 0.0001 (IMMP2L_siFANCD2_20%), ***p = 0.0008 (IMMP2L_siFANCD2_3%), **p = 0.0014 (IMMP2L_siFANCD2_3% vs. IMMP2L_siFANCD2_20%), **p = 0.006 (PARK2_siFANCD2_20%), *p = 0.0118 (PARK2_siLacZ_3%), *p = 0.0107 (PARK2_siFANCD2_3%). d Chromosome fragility in cells transfected with control or FANCD2 siRNA, treated with 0.3 µM APH and maintained at 3% or 20% oxygen. Left, example of a DAPI-stained metaphase spread; the arrows indicate a break. Right, total breaks are scored as the mean number of breaks per metaphase. A total of 196 (siLacZ_20%), 221 (siFANCD2 20%), 185 (siLacZ 3%), and 186 (siFANCD2_3%) metaphases were analyzed from n = 4 independent experiments. *p = 0.0166 (siFANCD2_20%), **p = 0.0053 (siFANCD2_3% vs. siFANCD2_20%). e Frequency of FRA6E breaks in cells maintained at 3% oxygen, transfected with control or FANCD2 siRNA and treated with 0.3 µM APH. A total of 119 (siLacZ_3%), and 104 (siFANCD2_3%) metaphases were analyzed from n = 3 independent experiments. Error bars are standard error of the mean (SEM).